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Noah sits on his bed with his knees to his chest in silence. He was sick of being hurt over and over again by different people. He never understood what he did wrong. He was just given a bad life from the start. His mom abused him so severally to where it caused him to lash out at everyone. He just wants someone who will care about him.he wants someone who will love him for the first f*cking Time in his life. He is tired of being put through emotional and physical pain. As much as he wants someone to love,he knows it's dangerous. Cause what if that person ends up hurting him too? He can't risk it. So he's rude and pushes everyone away. He doesn't need anyone but himself. And it's not like he likes himself very much either. He was born with Hetrochromania. He has one green eye and one hazel eye. He was made fun of a lot for them,so he just wears a hazel contact over his green eye so it looks normal. He is also a brunette with dark hair that vent down to the middle of his neck. Just then,Sid walks in. He sits on his bed, facing Noah. Noah rolls his eyes and gets up out of bed. He starts to walk out the door,but Sid speaks. "Can I talk to u?" He asks. Noah stops walking and looks back at Sid. "I refuse to waste my time on idiots like u." He says coldly. "Noah-" Sid starts,but Noah interrupts him. "No. And don't say my name. I'm confused on how u even found out why I am here,and what happened to me. You must of been stalking me all my life,or something." He says. Sid stands up and walks in front of Noah. "Just..I wanna start over,ok? Idk why I was such a jerk earlier,but please,can we talk? I'll tell u everything. I'll even tell u how I got here!" He says. Noah stares for a second,then slowly nods. They both sit on Noah's bed,facing each other. "Ok. Talk." Noah says. "Well...I kinda snuck into the back room and looked at ur files." He says. "WHY?!" Noah yells. "Idk,I was curious. But I don't know ALL of what happened to u. So...can u tell me?" Sid says. "Why would I tell u my past?" Noah says annoyed. "I'll tell u mine." Sid says. Noah sighs. " since I was about 4,I was severely abused by my mom. She would kick me,hit me,throw me against walls,make me sleep outside,call me names,bully me,and much more. She's the reason why I'm so cold to everyone. And then I was forced into a relationship that I didn't wanna be in. It was with a girl named hailey. She had kids. Her and her kiss constantly made fun of what happened to me,and called me names. I eventually just snapped. I killed all of them..and I regret it. Im not proud to be a killer. I just..wasn't thinking right. It was like a part of me left and i was a totally different person at that moment. And I got sent here. I didn't go to jail cause I have obvious mental issues. But,yeah. That happened 2 years ago. I was only 15." Noah says as tears form in his eyes. Sid sat there,shocked. Did he seriously go through all of that..? Without thinking,Sid pulled Noah in and hugged him. Noah's face was pressed against Sid's chest. Noah freezes at the unexpected touch. He HATES physical contact..but why didn't this feel bad..? Why did it make him feel Warm? He was confused. "W-..What..?" Noah says. "I feel like u need this.." Sid says as he runs a hand through the brunettes hair. Sid ironically kinda enjoyed having the shorter male in his arms. It actually made him..blush a bit. "What the hell?! Get off!" Noah yelled as he shoves Sid off. While he did rather enjoy the affection,he can't get to close to the blonde. Because he will probably hurt him.

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