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Later on that day me and him went to the dog park to look for Mikamoto, and of course we found her. She was sitting on a bench and reading a book. Her dog was running around with other dogs. Me and Ren were in the trees and bushes so hopefully, no one saw us. Ren grabbed my hand and looked at me, "Please be careful, that witch might try to hurt you again" he whispered softly. I looked at him and kissed him softly, "I'll act friendly, don't worry I'll be fine" then I left him and walked up to Mikamoto, and tapped her shoulder lightly. "Hey" I said while acting friendly, she turned around quickly and looked up at me . "Hey, it's you !" she said brightly. I smiled and looked away, "I don't know why but I had you on my mind, did we meet before ?" she asked. I sat down on the bench but sat on the other side of the bench from where she's sitting. "I don't recall your face...''I said looking down. She giggled and looked at me with a soft smile on her face. "Come sit next to me, it gets cold here sometimes" she said. I didn't say anything, and instead she sat right next to me. She placed the book down and folded her legs. Is she trying to get me to like her? I thought to myself. "So how have you been?" she asked me. "I've been given great thanks for asking, '' I said with a straight face. She laughed and then leaned in closer to me, "I'm glad to hear that '' she said. I slowly moved away, and looked away and I felt awkward. "Uh, wanna get coffee?" she asked. I nodded softly and when she wasn't looking I turned my head quickly just to see if Ren was still there and he was still watching. I turned back and got up and me and her went to the nearby coffee shop. Mikamoto tied her dog to a pole and then we went into the coffee shop. After we ordered our drinks she looked at me and smiled and then took a sip of her drink. I smiled too but then I noticed the way she was smiling at me. Her eyes were sparkling and her hair was loose and flowing. "I have to use the bathroom" I said as I got up and went into the bathroom. Did she lose her memory? I shook my head and checked my phone, I forgot Ren doesn't have a phone yet. I groaned and walked back and forth. I went back to the table and saw she was reading her book again while drinking her coffee. I walked back and sat down and sipped my coffee, I looked at her and she was glaring at me while smiling a bit. I got the chills from it. Then she noticed and started acting normal again, "Do you like your coffee?" she asked with a small smile. She is a witch...I'm stupid. I felt dizzy and I felt the urge to pass out, I leaned against the table. "Are you okay?" she asked in a giggly mood. I stood up with the energy I had left and tried to leave or run away, but then I tripped and fell on the ground and everything went black.
I woke up and my vision was blurry, and I was tied to a chair. I looked around and saw I was in a dark room and it was empty. Suddenly I heard footsteps and someone came in. I looked up and saw Mikamoto. "Where am I...What did you do..?" I muttered. She giggled and she dragged me towards her. "You're my prisoner, I can do whatever I want with you" she said with a smirk. My stomach hurt and I felt sick. I tried to turn my head but she pushed my face to look at her with her hands and started kissing my neck. "Please don't do this..." I begged her. She kept kissing my neck and then grabbed my shirt collar and yanked it up. I gasped and looked away as she unbuttoned my shirt and then pulled it off, revealing my chest. "Stop..don't do this to me.." I pleaded. I closed my eyes tightly and then I heard her fall onto the floor. "He said stop" I opened my eyes to see Ren holding a sword. "Ah....You're still alive..." she muttered and laughed. "He is mine...and he will be forever" she added while smiling . She then let out her hand and a sword formed out of thin air. She held it out and slashed at Ren, and he blocked it easily. They started sword fighting and I started to tear up and tried to untie myself free. Mikamoto kept trying to slash Ren and Ren kept on blocking and hitting her. He kept slashing at her and she would dodge and then keep on attacking him. I continued to tear up as I tried to move my wrist. I finally managed to get myself free and I got up. Then Mikamoto made Ren fall onto the floor and she was about to kill him. I quickly wiped my eyes and picked up the chair and hit her with it. That didn't do anything and she turned around and then I felt like something was choking me and I started to slowly go in the air as I got choked. I tried to gasp for air and Ren hurried and got up and hit Mikamoto making her pass out. I fell onto the ground and Ren ran over to me. "Makoto..." he muttered softly, I coughed and looked up at him and caressed the side of his face. He looked at her and she was getting back up slowly. He got up and picked his sword and was ready to fight once again, she glared at him and smirked and dropped her sword. She muttered something and then Ren gasped loudly and fell onto the ground. "REN !" I shouted as I crawled quickly to him. He was coughing so hard and looked at me with tears in his eyes, his hands shaking. "Ren, what is happening?" I asked him, but he didn't answer. I looked at his face and he was pale and sweaty. He slowly closed his eyes. "Ren! Wake up!" "I'm scared, I don't want you to die" I sobbed. I touched his face gently while crying hard. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere" he whispered in a weak tone. "Please, I love you, Ren..." I said crying even harder. "I love you too Makoto...." he whispered and I smiled and hugged him tight. I felt his heartbeat slowly getting stronger and slower. I felt like I could stay here forever and never let go, I felt safe and happy. But that happiness was short-lived. I heard a loud bang and I looked around to see Mikamoto standing up laughing with her sword in her hand. I glared at her and took Ren's sword and got up and ran towards her, but she quickly moved out of the way and jumped on top of me and strangled me. She kept laughing and it was hurting so much, I felt like I was going to faint. Tears rolled down my face as she kept laughing, she loosened her grip a little to say some things. "I just wanted you to myself, and you couldn't even do that, so you'll have it the hard way...I hate to kill you again so you'll forget everything...I really hate it" she said while tearing up and smiling. She then started to choke me again, I felt like I was gonna die...but I wouldn't let her win...I tightened my arms and pushed her away. I was struggling, I quickly caught my breath and picked up Ren's sword and stabbed Mikamoto in the chest. She gasped and fell on the ground and began to bleed out a bunch. I looked down and I ran to Ren and knelt down beside him. "I'm sorry" I whispered to him while crying. He was still alive but only a little. He then gave me a key, and it looked like the key he took from my dreams...He placed the key in my hands and said "Go back and save me careful, my love..." and then closed his eyes and breathed his last breath... "RENN!!" I sobbed. I was crying so hard I almost fainted. I slowly got up and grabbed Ren's sword and left while crying. What did he mean by that...? I ran out of there and easily got lost.

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