My life as an assasin.

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                                              Chapter 1 the outbreak.

 I am Trent Balpherd an asian 22 year old with on special set if skills. I have assasination like skills . I know it sounds wierd for a 22 year old assasinating people. But, my life is pretty difficult and it starts with my family.  My Dad is an assasin or was an assasin. My family pasts down this job generation by generation. My Dad taught me all kinds of things like how to use a sniper or how to use a ninja star. I can do many of those things thanks to him. I ussually assasinate bad people but hey if someone pays my I will do it. But , it must be a good reason or it would be evil. But , today I have a important mission! I must assasin  this scientist that has been doing wierd experiments.

 I woke up 5 am sharp so I can find where to snipe from. Once I got there I saw some guy in a cage who looked like he hasn't been out for a while. The man had a torn buttoned shirt and blue skinny jeans about 20 to25 years old. I hear him saying stuff to the scientist he mouthed it out and it looked like he was saying get me out of here. I quickly looked as the scientist was tinkering with some kind of metal gun. It looked like a super gun like from cartoons. I quickly got him in my scope then he grabbed his wierd contraption and shot the man in the cage. I responded by shooting him right in the jugular so he would live long enough for some questions. I walked to the door and I saw the scientist on the floor holding his wound. I looked around and saw the man in the cage looked horrible. He had a wierd look in his eye and started moaning.

 I then looked at the scientist and asked " What the hell did you do!"

 The scientist responded saying " You will soon die."

 I chuckled and said " What are you talking about you wierdo?"

 The scientist answered saying " Me George Gregory Jr. has invented the most ingenious contraption ever!"

 I quickly got serious and said " What did you make?!"

 George said " I call it the Gregory zombifier! It has the ability to turn people into the undead and they will do anything for flesh!"

 I then said " How do we fix it? Tell me or I will blow your brains out!"

 George laughed and said " There is no cure and I won! "

 He quickly pulled his gun out and said " HAHAHAHAHA!"

 Before I could shoot him he quickly jumped up and threw a glass at me and I fell on the floor In pain. He then put the Gregory zombifier in a football like shaped golden metal container. He then pressed a button and it shot in the air.

 I asked " What the hell are you doing?"

 He then said "Your mom!"

 I then said " Buh bye !"

 I then took out my sniper that was a barett .50 and quick scoped him to the face blasting blood all over the walls. What ever flew up started to spin and then exploded. I quickly jumped into this metal pod that was next to the cage and it closed. I then felt a strong earthquake and the roof colapsed and I felt the shake. I then got out of the pod seeing everything messed up and fire on buildings and my mouth dropped when I saw a lady. She had a pink dress and coroded skin and was bloody. I then thought " Holy crap it was like a zombie nuke and now I am the only one on the whole freaking planet!"  I quickly rushed to my house which was perfectly fine and unharmed and I prayed that my family wasn't zombified. When I barged in I saw my Mom and Dad all confused.

 My dad quickly called me and said " Son I don't know whats happening but I dont think I will make it , so look in the basement on the wall there will be a secret compartment and a special thing I must past on to you. "

  I was in so much shock but knew what I had to do. I quickly ran in my basement and saw on the wall a handle. I pulled it and saw a case for some kind of gun and a note on it. It said this gun has been pasted down for generations of the assasins. It had a description and in big letters it said PWN3R resonator. I then guessed that was the name of the gun it said underneath this gun has unlimited ammo and can go through anything. It also has 115 element and is extremely powerful. Thats all it said and I opened the case and it looked so awsome! It was super shiny and had a whole bunch of marks on it that had a pattern and looked awsome. I then saw a switch that I wasn't familiar with and I read it and It can go in machine mode. I then grabbed the gun and put it back in the case and slung it over my shoulder and walked out of my basement. I then saw the most horrible thing ever my parents were zombified and started to run after me. I then quickly pulled out the PWN3R resonator and had the zombified heads in my scope but hesitated and then shot it went through both heads and flew throught the wall. I grabbed my Dads keys and huge emergency kit I threw it in the back seat. I then ran and got a pack of coke and a box of waters. Then cleared out my cabinet having the back of my car loaded with supplies. I also grabbed forks and stuff . I started driving and headed towards south I lived in california. I just wanted to leave home because I felt like crap. I wanted to leave and check how far the infection spreaded. I started driving and all I saw were zombies no humans. I then saw something that made me so happy. A real human but , he was about my age and he was white but tan and had dual wield shot guns in his hands and shot every zombie that ran at him. It looked like rangers I quickly had hope and was excited to meet this man.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2011 ⏰

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