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Yechan suddenly woke up with the noisy sound of thunder. He was glad to being awake because he was having another nightmare. It was his 4th nightmare of that night so he decided to not sleep any longer.

He was sick of always having nightmares of his childhood trauma. But he could do nothing about it. Besides, he had no friends or anyone to talk about his feelings or something.

Yechan got up from his bed and walked towards bathroom.
He washed his hands and face to feel awake. When he was about to leave the bathroom, he stared at the mirror and checked his look. He was looking terrible. The brusies under his eyes gave him the appearance of a zombie.

The boy sighed and washed his face more and more to get rid of that terrible look.
After that he went to the small living room, sat on a sofa, closed his eyes and tried to have a little rest without sleeping again.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and checked the time on his phone. The boy was shocked to see it was only 02.34 am in the morning.

"Geez, its so early..."

He sighed and turned off the phone. He thought of what he could do. Maybe he could go outside to get some fresh air? Even though there was a storm outside, it wasn't that bad at all.


He knew fresh air would make him feel better. The storm was less severe so the weather was like slight rainy. As much as he knew his preferences, he really liked walking on rainy days. And he also had his headphones on. Therefore he was feeling much more better now.

The boy was walking while humming the song that he is listening to right now. It was Siyeon's single song which name is Paradise. He was obsessed with that song. It had always made him feel like he is in heaven.

He was peacefully walking untill he got the sensation of someone was staring at him. But there was no one around.

He felt a bit nervous and started walking faster than usual.


The boy suddenly got froze to the voice he heard. It was impossible.


When Yechan turned behind, he really saw her. His mother.


"Yechan-ah, you... You killed me, you are a killer!"

"Mom, no! I swear i-"

"Shut up! You are a killer... Killer! KILLER!"

His mother started to walk towards him. She was getting closer step by step while repeating the word "killer".

"Mom, stop it! Mom!"

He was tearing up so bad. Was he really a killer? Did he really kill his lovely mother? Did he-..?


He abruptly opened his teary eyes with a gasp escaped from his mouth.

It was just another freaking realistic nightmare.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Yechan didn't know how much longer could he hang on to those damn nightmares.

He must have fallen asleep when he closed his eyes briefly while sitting on the sofa

Dry Flower •° JaeChanWhere stories live. Discover now