Get Comfortable

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͟͟͞͞➳❥ Minho's Pov ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Me? Lose balance? How in the hell is this man causing my guard to go down? Is it just the way he acts towards me that throws me off or is it something else that I don't wish to acknowledge at this time?

"You really think that you are funny huh?" I smile just a little bit to give him pity on his dad joke. People say that I scare them,that there is something cold about me,but not Jisung. He is acting as if I am his friend.

In a way, I am touched but on the other hand I am scared of what will happen to this innocent one if he gets too close to me. Not like I can't protect him but still. "You really think that you scare me huh?" Throwing my words back at me,nice play.

"I never claimed that you did or didn't but you are going to have to get used to me touching you eventually. My family doesn't know anything about the deal that I had with your father and as for your family"

"Oh like that is any better? What so now when they say you may kiss the groom,I have to kiss you?" Jisung looks at me shocked,as if he doesn't know what goes on at weddings. Did he not go to his parents or even see it on TV? Hell, even I have seen weddings on TV.

"Way to read the script ahead of time dumbass" I sarcastically smile at him before he sighs.

"Is this what I am going to have to live with for the rest of my damn life? Because if that is the case, just bury me in the garden like you do with the rest of the bodies." Is that what he thinks that is for?

I burst out laughing putting my head on his shoulder as Jisung is tapping my shoulder causing me to lift my head exposing my smile "Is that what you think the flowers is for?"

"What else could it be? This place is like every haunted house that you would avoid for miles." Way to put it.

"Just something to keep Felix busy." I release him from the pin and sit down next to him as I must have gotten lost in his presence and his warm eyes. "See,Felix is a kid that I went to school with, and I hated him to go out into the real world with as..light hearted as he is so I just took him in and gave him something to do that won't cause him any danger nor harm"

"But wouldn't being associated with you be enough to get them shot?" He has no clue about this and yet I thought he would counting the way he was raised with his father. Loan sharks are dirty to the core and interact with nothing but bad people or rip them off making them bad or crazy.

"No, with the reputation that I have, no one dares to mess with anyone that is close to me which is why I took you under my wing. See, I looked at the whole family's background before getting involved in a job, I saw that you and your dad were the only ones left living. The rest..died and I saw you two were on the hit list thanks to your dad being a loan shark"

I don't have the heart to see his crushed face when he hears that his grandparents died from poison in the IV and the mother being shot. The brother aka his uncle was the one who dragged Jisung's father into this loan shark thing due to Jisung's father gambling debt. It is a do or die kind of situation.

"So you took me in for pity?" His face drops as his eyes go on the floor,How am I supposed to comfort him? I have never done this before,wait,why am I so concerned about him? I should walk away and let him suffer but something is keeping me here.

"No, I don't leave people in danger, I take people out of danger and get rid of the bad people."

"But that's the thing, your definition of bad or good is different from everyone else's. Some might say that you are bad because you are killing people but some might say that you are good because you are getting rid of the world's worst people. But see the thing is, that would always be someone's son,father,uncle or husband. Think of how the family feels." Jisung says before getting up from the bed.

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