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"Li? Where are you?" Baizhu sat up in his bed and looked towards his door, his eyes half lidded. Changsheng was sleeping peacefully upon his shoulder, small breathing noises being heard from her small snout, Baizhu looked down at her to pet on her head with a small smile. That is when the man heard a small opening of his bedroom door, a view of a young male dressed in such a beautiful gold and black Hanfu. "Li, you look handsome." The green haired male slightly nodded as an approval, trying his best to get out of bed on his own. "Don't get out of bed. What is it you need? I'm at your aid after all." Zhongli spoke in such a calming way, causing Baizhu to smile a little and use his hand to cover his lower face while he giggled at him. "Its alright, I'm sure i can stand up on my own." Baizhu did his best to stand up, and surprisingly he did. He wore his own Hanfu, a beautiful white that faded to a beautiful pastel green. Unfortunately he tripped over it and stubbled into Zhongli's grasp, his slender hands planting onto the others chest.

"I'm sorry Li, i didn't mean to stumble into you." Changsheng woke up from her slumber, sleepy eyes looking up to view the young one in front of her. An obvious hatred of a hiss being heard from her small sleepy figure, "Why are you in here at such an early hour Zhongli? Don't you have duties to attend to? Hmm?" Baizhu looked down with a small smile, petting her under her chin with his index finger "It's alright Changsheng i asked him to come here." Baizhu always spoke softer when Changsheng was awake, knowing loud noises hurt her ears.

Zhongli sighed and braced Baizhu up by his waist, which had later led him towards his bed to lay back down. "You're sick, please get some rest. I'll bring you your medicine and some water, I'll be back." He nodded and walked out of the room, making sure the door was locked from the outside so Baizhu didn't try to explore while he was gone. At least not without his assistance, having such a lovely one hurt under his hands was not something he'd have in mind. He walked down the halls, bowing to nobles and such that he seen fit, he took his time to get to the kitchen to grab both water and Baizhu's medicine. Oh but of course a curious maiden decided to try and catch the Dragon's attention, which seemed to work as his gaze adverted towards her. "May i help you?" He turned the water off, placing the filled cup to the side while grabbing a small packet of a few different medicines.

"You must be Baizhu's doctor?" She giggled while walking up to him, her hand softly placing itself onto his muscled bicep. "Baizhu's doctor hm? Is that a new rumor? I believe Baizhu is our doctor rather than the other way around yes? Even though he's bound to be our next king, he's here to help rather than truly set his duties to pure ruling. Plus he makes our medicines, even his own. Which is what this is." Zhongli smiled almost rudely before taking his leave, taking his time to walk back through the halls he's seen many times.

He unlocked the door quite quickly, opening up the door to reveal a happy and playful Baizhu. Soft giggles and laughs leaving his lips the more Changsheng made utterly ridiculous jokes, pets being given as a reward. Baizhu looked over to Zhongli while his expression became too soft and gentle to handle, causing Zhongli's face to flush when he started walking over to them. "I brought you your medicine, and as promised. Some water." He placed the pills into his hand, then gave the water to him as well to wash them down. "Thank you Li, you're quite the helper and such a dear." Baizhu reached up towards Zhongli's horns, rubbing the skin around them before noticing the Dragon's tail wagging in excitement. "Awe, your tail speaks for you." Zhongli's heart raced, looking back at the movements he had no control over.

He straightened up his posture before putting a hand over his mouth to cover a coughed throat clearance. "Rest, I'll be back in a bit to check up on you, in the meantime let your medicine kick in." He bowed before leaving the room, a small lock being heard on the otherside while Baizhu did as told and laid back down, drifting to sleep the longer he kept his eyes shut.


HI GUYS, idk if this will really be seen but ill try my best to update as much as possible. If you have any commets or concerns you may comment here or add my discord, as well as if you have ideas for future chapters! Just let me know here!!
DISCORD: sniff#6666

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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