{friends 3}

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It was almost, the end of the school day and, I was currently at lunch sitting with my cousin, Mark and his friends, as they were talking I paid more attention, to Michael's voice and realized he had a little British accent and, I thought to myself how come I couldn't hear it when we were talking on, the bus I found it pretty cute, on how you could barely even hear it but it was there,"hey y/n" I heard Mark, say to me I looked at mark,"yeah?" I said looking at mark wondering, why he needed me," we were just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us after school if you're not busy?" Mark said smiling happily," oh well I don't know I'll have to ask my mom?" I said not really sure, if my mom would let me she's always, sending my older brother to come with me, everywhere...


Me and b/n, we're walking home together and as for Mark, and his friends they went a different direction, I think they said they were going to a park, or something like that, " you do know if you do go with Mark and his friends I have to go with you right?" I heard b/n say to me as we walked, " yeah I know....why can't mom just let me go on my own.." I said feeling a little frustrated, on to why my mother wouldn't let me, go alone I mean I was with my cousin, and his friends, so what's the big deal...

" well maybe it's because she cares about you y/n",b/n said I looked up at him," or maybe you just want to see if Mark's friends are actually trustworthy!" I said to b/n knowing that, he usually doesn't, act like this and, he usually complains when, he has to go with me...

After that we, had made it home, I took off my shoes at the front door and, ran up to my room and shut the door, and I threw myself onto my bed, I laid there, for a few minutes not knowing, if my mom would let me go, on my own with Mark and his friends...

After a few minuses, I decided to ask my mom if, I can go out I wasn't going with Mark or his friends, I was hoping to go out all by myself, so I got out of my bed, and ran downstairs to find my mom, in the kitchen washing dishes, and I ran up to her,"hey mom can i go out for a bit?" I asked my mom," yes but only if your brother goes" my mom said I got very annoyed,"never mind I don't think I'll stay home" I said as I walked up to my room...

A few minutes, go by and I had decided I was going to sneak out, of my bedroom window my mom, would be heading out for her night shift at the Hospital, and she would be just leaving in a few minutes, and my dad had left for, work a few hours ago so it would just be me, and b/n I waited until, my mom left and so I locked my bedroom door, and open my window, I put something in the frame so, my window wouldn't locked on me, when I came back there, was a tree right beside my window, so it wasn't that hard getting onto the ground, as I jump from the tree I landed on the ground...

As I got on my feet i started, walking exploring Utah for a bit not knowing, where to go exactly as I walked I reached, a park it looked like there was no one there so, I went on to one of the swings and started kicking, my feet back and forth...

As I kicked my feet back and forth, on the swing I heard footsteps, coming towards me as I looked up, I seen a girl who looked around my age she, had brown eyes with black hair, she came up to me,"uh do you mind if I take the swing next to you" she said I nodded my head yes, as she sat down, on the swing beside me, it was an awkward, silence as we both sat on the swings...

It was kind of awkward I didn't know what to do but swing on the swing until I heard her say," we go to the same school don't we?" She said looking up, at me and smiling softly, I returned the same smile, realizing that I had seen this girl before, I seen her in my third class," yeah we do go to the same school I'm y/n by the way" I said with a small smile she smiled back,"well it's nice to meet you y/n I'm Emma" she said sticking out her hand for me to shake we both shook hands...

We talked for a little bit until it was time, for her to go back home we said our goodbyes, and started walking our separate, ways as I was walking back home, I went to the side of my house, and climbed back up the tree and into my bedroom, as I was in my room, I sat on my bed until, I heard a knock on my door, and then the door handle, I quickly forgot, I locked the door so, I quickly got up, and went to open the door it was b/n,"what do you want b/n" I said in an annoyed tone, but also kind of scared, on if he found out, I snuck out he gave me a look that I knew perfectly well, but then his face turned into a more serious face," well one of Mark's friends is here for you"he said giving me, a look I was so confused, on who would be here and why one of Mark's friends, I went downstairs, and open the door, it was Michael, I was kind of confused, on why Michael was here," you need something?" I said looking up at him confusingly," no I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out" he said with a small smile...


Guys I'm so so sorry it took me about 3 days To Think of what to right in chapter 3 I'll probably take a long time to post I have to write stuff down to think but anyways

I hope you guys like this chapter
Byeeee💞 °1112 words°

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