Running From Lunch

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I ran, ran as far and fast as I could from the alleys of Manhattan, my legs felt like they were on fire, and my breathing became more ragged, as I start to reach the city's edge my breathing becomes more stable.

I decide to slow down a little, seeing as though I may have lost the Cyclops in the city, but fearing I might get caught again I decide not to turn back and continue.

"Even if I stayed there.. They'd just keep coming.. *I say under my breath as I think to myself* They always do."

After walking what felt like half a mile I find myself in a particularly weird part of the road, to my right I could feel a certain something, though I'm not sure what it is, it doesn't at all feel evil.

I decided to investigate and walk up the hill, to my surprise there was a huge beautiful strawberry field.

"All this in some forest?.." *I say as I lean against a tree catching my breath from the short climb*

I stood there in awe, wondering why there weren't any signs or any indications of this being here.

Just then I could feel my body begging to rest, only then did I finally pass out.

Of course, I had to pass out! Why would I not? I literally ran through a whole damn city and nearly half a mile just to reach some cool strawberry place I might not even know to be safe or not! I might even get eaten by some random cyclops wandering in..

I felt myself slowly waking up from unconsciousness, my gaze meets that of a roof.

"Where.. where am I?..." *I groan as I look around myself finding myself to be  the only one in the room*

*I slowly sit myself up on the bed and try to get my bearings*

"Hello? Anyone there?" *I call out but no one seems to hear or answer me*

Feeling a lot better than yesterday I decide to get up and carefully make my way out.

Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

as I walk out into the hall I find no one inside, as I explore the inside of the house it doesn't seem anyone is inside at the moment, realizing that, I decide to head outside.

Boy, do I wish I didn't do that..

I take a simple step out and boom- it feels like a truck hit me.

"Ack- what the-" *I say hitting the ground below me as a body collides with mine* 

"Just who do you-" *I stop my words as I look up to see a gorgeous figure hovering above me*"

"Oh damn-" *I say in awe*

The girl looks at me confused but brushes it off and gets on her feet as she brushes herself off

"Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting someone to just appear there, guess I was kinda preoccupied so I didn't see you." *The girl said as she extended her hand out for me*

"You're the one who passed out on the hill right?" *She asks, hand still extended*

Well great. People here will know me as 'the one who passed out'

"Well yea, I guess, I have a name though." *I say taking her hand and getting on my feet*

"Right, sorry. I'll introduce myself first I guess, I'm Annabeth Chase, counselor for cabin 6, aka daughter of Athena." 

looking down I noticed I was still holding her hand, at this thought I quickly let go of her hand and avert my gaze to my surroundings.

"Right, sorry about earlier Annabeth, I'm Trishna Stevenson, new to this whole place, and uhh the one who passed out." 

Well, that was a great introduction.

"Well then, Trishna Stevenson, welcome to camp half-blood."

"Camp what now? Why's there blood involved in this whole thing?" 

Annabeth crosses her arms as she comes to a conclusion.

"So you don't know your heritage? Well, let me explain, one of your parents is a god, the other is mortal, and thus, you are a half-blood, or demigod if that makes it easier to understand."

"So what you're saying is... Jesus Christ railed my mom?!" 

I say looking rather disgusted

Annabeth chuckles at my comment and a small smile rests on her lips

"No no, not capital G god, there are other gods, you know how there are different religions right? Then there are different gods for everything, and since you're a half-blood, one of those gods uh, created you with your mother." 

I look at her incredulously 

"There is no way I'm a demigod or a half-blood, I'm a normal boring kid! I can't be one-" 

"Did you have to change schools often? Did you ever get attacked by weird monsters others don't seem to see? Did you get diagnosed with dyslexia?"

"I- yes, but how do you know? That's kinda creepy if you've been stalking me-" 

 Annabeth sighs and gives me a soft look

"Trishna, you are a demigod, the reason for your dyslexia is that you were hardwired to interpret Ancient Greek, not English. The reason you're so adhd is because of your heightened senses and natural aptitude for battle, and the reason you keep getting attacked by monsters is that you are one of us, a demigod, I don't know if you need more proof than that but it's clear you are a demigod."

I furrow my brows at Annabeth, realizing what she'd said makes sense.

"So I really am a half-blood..?" 

"Yea, pretty much." 

"Do I get cool powers? Can I fly? Can I summon stuff? Or like- use the elements or telekinesis?" 

Annabeth smiles at you and uncrosses her arms.

"Well it depends on your godly parent, but it's no guarantee that you can fly if you were a child of Zeus, being a child of the big three alone is quite rare since they made a pact. But if you were a child of Aeolous that could be possible." 

I nod in understanding, brows still furrowed in thought

"So.. it all depends on my godly parent? Alright then, but what's the big three?" 

"Let's just head over to the dining pavilion, I'm sure you're hungry." 

At the thought of food, my stomach grumbles which sends a blush down my cheeks

"Yep, you're stomach agrees with me, let's go, Trish." 

I nod looking down as I follow her toward the pavilion. 

"Well, that was smart, way to embarrass me stomach!  This is why I don't have a good social life.." 

As we reached the dining pavilion Annabeth separates from me and tells me she'll be at the Athena table, why do we have separate tables? I don't quite know yet. 

Before she went over to her table, she directed me over to the Hermes table, for the unclaimed kids since Hermes is the god of travelers and thieves and yada yada-

Anyway, I don't quite get the whole seating arrangement since it makes the Hermes table and maybe the cabin really cramped, why can't they just make like separate cabins you could be brought into? Like say some demigods of this god, and that god, maybe this goddess too, what would it be like for a demigod here who was the only child of this god for example?

That just sounds really lonely.

Anyways, enough of that sad shit and stuff- yes I will swear, and you can't stop me!- Eh.. who am I talking to? Maybe I'm delusional.

But anyway, I scraped half of my food into the fire, a Hermes kid told me we had to offer half our food to the gods, that would be great if you were on a diet I guess, but after that, we got to eat. 

I'll spare you the boring details, but when we finished that we had our regular activities, which I was kinda confused about, I mean, we had pegasi here? Honestly, I think I can believe that now with the whole god thing. But a lava wall??? Won't we die?

Okay, just came back from asking Annabeth about the lava wall, she says we would get burned but we won't die, maybe. 

Well, that's really reassuring! Anyway, right now she's giving me a tour of the camp.

"Hey Annabeth, you didn't tell me you guys have a mini factory."

"Well that's actually the Hephaestus cabin, but I do see your point, it does look like a factory."

I hummed in agreement, nodding.

"Soooo, quick question." 


"You single? Just wanna know for scientific purposes nothing else."

Annabeth turns to me with a smirk

"Scientific purposes only huh? I don't know how asking me if I'm single or not is for scientific purposes but I'll humor you. Yes, I am single." 

I chuckle lightly a small blush on my cheeks

"Ah well, good to know, so uhh about the claiming thing, how does that work?" 

Annabeth's smirk turns into a small smile, seemingly amused with me.

"You'll get claimed eventually, it might take a few days, maybe hours, maybe a couple of years, it all depends-" 

"On my godly parent, yea I get that," I sigh, turning away from Annabeth as I look at the other cabins

"It's just.. this whole godly parent thing, the whole gods' thing is just.. kinda messed up, why can't they just spend more time with us? Why can't they help us out? We're doing all the work for them- Doesn't it seem unfair?" I say this as I frown, seeing it as unfair.

Annabeth sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder

"Look Trish, I get it's kinda unfair, but there are rules they have to follow as well, but I'm sure that can change, our godly parents do care about us, so please don't hold anything against them." 

I nod listlessly and sigh

"Yea alright then." 

I look at her hand on my shoulder

"You can take your hand off me now Annabeth unless you like this physical contact"

I say as a small sly smirk rests on my lips, Annabeth rolls her eyes at me and walks ahead of me.

"You can flirt with me when we get to know each other better Trish, tho I'll say you're not bad." 

I bite my lip as I blush

"I wasn't flirting! I was just reminding you-" 

"I can see it in your eyes, your eyes hold emotion" 

A small smile tugs on my lips as I give Annabeth a light shove.

"Oh just get on with the tour blondie."  

Alright! That's part 1 of "Heads Up!"
Now don't blame me for my inconsistency with updates cuz I cannot focus on one thing for a whole day-

But I hope this first chap wasn't a flop, Thank you for reading >:)
Leave a vote if you liked this chap, and if you have any comments on it don't be afraid to drop some, always happy to improve my work :D 

Especially my disgrace of a daki fanfic.. :')  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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