A Line Without A Hook

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Takashi Mitsuya has a crush on you and dammit is he mad about it. He can't do anything without remembering their face, their laugh, and their oh so gorgeous soul. He starts to turn red just at the memory of them. He is quite sure that all of this is probably their fault.

It's 100% their fault.

Why did they have to be beautiful? Why did they have to have a melodious laugh? A smile that could light the whole world, they were so kind, compassionate and empathetic to all. You were so perfect.

How could you fall in love with a boy like him? He couldn't give you what you deserved. All he could offer you was his heart, mind and soul, but was it enough? You deserved the world, the moon and the stars themselves

He still remembers the day he first saw you. Mikey introduced you to the gang and added you to Mitsuya's division. You were such a social butterfly, getting to know everyone and everyone liking you back, he thought how could a kind faced person be in a gang but when he saw you fight you were ruthless, your fists and kicks were strong and he meant like really strong.

After the fight ended you went to Mitsuya to check on him. Later you even nursed him at his home and met his sisters who loved you. He remembers how you so carefully nursed him.

"Your knuckles are badly bruised Mitsuya-kun." You softly spoke.

"Ouch!" Mitsuya exclaimed, taking his hand backward.

"C'mon give me your hand, are they really hurting that much?"


"Aww poor baby." You coo.

"Why don't you kiss the pain away?" He said jokingly, grinning

You took his hand and brought it to your lips and softly kissed each of his knuckles. You looked at him with a grin on your face while his cheeks were tinted pink.

"There. Better?"

Mitsuya looked away from you, "Yes."

You laughed at his behaviour, poor boy was blushing just by a kiss.

That moment for some reason really got into his brain and he kept thinking about it from time to time.

He has no idea if you like him or not but confessing to you is worth a try, But here's the thing, he tried to confess to you, multiple times, but each time he did try to tell you about his feelings his plans got spoiled by one way or another.

Like this one time both of you were going on a bike ride with no destination in mind. His body felt hot with your hands around his waist. You both reached a scenic overlook, it was soon going to be dark and the sky was painted a beautiful orange with darkness sweeping close and you could see stars starting to appear, everything was quiet and peaceful.

"This is the perfect time." He thought.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something."

"Yes?" You looked at him with eyes that twinkled like the stars.

"Umm... This has been on my mind for quite some time and I wanted to-"

"Well, if it isn't the 2nd division captain, Takashi Mitsuya from the Tokyo Manji Gang." Some guy said. Behind him were six more people.

"Oh fuck." Mitsuya thought.

And that's how Mitsuya got interrupted while confessing his feelings for you and got roped into a fight with a gang which he has ever heard the name of before.

Another time was when you and Mitsuya were in his house and you were playing with Mana and Luna when Mana went to her room to show you something and Luna went along with her sister. Mitsuya saw this as another opportunity to tell you about his feelings.

"So Y/N-" He was interrupted by a scream coming from his sisters' room. They both got up to see what was going on. When they reached the room they saw that the blankets had fallen over Luna. Mitsuya took a breath of relief that nothing bad had happened to them but damn did he miss his opportunity.

One time he took you out for coffee and you agreed but when he was about to confess Mikey came into the shop with Draken and after so rudely interrupting Mikey had the audacity to ask him "Why the long face Mitsuya?"

Being disheartened he exited the cafe, maybe he's not the one he thought. After walking some distance he heard his name being called. He looked back to see you running up to him.

"Can we go somewhere a bit secluded?" You asked him and he agreed.

You both walked till you both reached a park near your house. Both of you sat on the swings. You took a deep breath and spoke.

"Mitsuya, I don't really know how to say this but I like you, like really really like you. You are smart, funny and a wonderful person. You also are so beautiful. I like you so much, you mean a lot to me. So is it possible if we could possibly start dating?" You asked, your voice unsure as your leg fidgeted.

He looked at you with eyes wide open. He has been trying to confess for nearly two months and you did it in one go.

"Are you joking?!' Mitsuya exclaimed.

You looked down with a visible frown on your face. "I knew you didn't like me. Well, it was worth a try." You got up and started walking towards your house.

Mitsuya runs towards to catch up to you because he can't believe that the person of his dreams just confessed to him. He grabbed you by the wrist and made you turn towards him.

"I like you too Y/N L/N."

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