Episode 7

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Episode 7: A Friend Without Rejection (Jungkook's POV)

Scene 1: Jungkook's Apartment - Evening


I sit on the couch, a wide smile plastered on my face. The euphoria of becoming a close friend to Taehyung without facing rejection fills me with an indescribable joy. But behind this happiness lies a lingering pain, a memory that shaped my fear.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook: (thinking back to the past) It all goes back to that one incident during college. I had a crush, someone I thought could be more than just a passing infatuation. But when I finally gathered the courage to confess my feelings, it all came crashing down.



A nervous Jungkook approaches his college crush, a sense of anticipation mixed with fear.

Jungkook: (awkwardly) Hey... I've been meaning to tell you something. I really like you, and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?

Crush: (pausing, uncertain) Oh, Jungkook... I appreciate your honesty, but I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way. Let's just stay friends, okay?

Jungkook's heart shatters at that moment, the sting of rejection searing deep within him.

Flashback ends.

Jungkook: (reflecting) That rejection cut deep, leaving behind scars that still haunt me. It made me question my worth, my ability to be accepted and loved. The fear of facing that pain again became a barrier I couldn't easily break through.

Scene 2: A Fragile Trust

But now, with Taehyung, something is different. I've become close to him without the fear of rejection gnawing at my heart. It's a fragile trust, one that I hold dear and guard fiercely.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook: (whispering to myself) Taehyung is different. He accepted my friendship without hesitation, without rejecting me. It's as if he saw something in me that others didn't.

Scene 3: Basking in the Present

I let myself bask in the happiness of our friendship, cherishing every moment we spend together. Taehyung's presence fills the void that the past rejection left behind, and I'm grateful for the connection we've built.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook: (smiling) Taehyung has shown me that not everyone will reject me, that friendship can be beautiful without the fear of being cast aside. It's a reminder that I am deserving of love and acceptance, just as I am.

Scene 4: A Lesson Learned

As I reflect on that past incident, I realize that it was not a reflection of my worth. Rejection is a part of life, but it doesn't define who I am or determine my value as a person. However, I still fear it. I can't forget it yet. The fear of getting rejected has become a part of my life.

Jungkook's POV:

Jungkook: (firmly) I won't let that past rejection dictate my present or my future. Taehyung's friendship has taught me that taking risks and opening my heart can lead to beautiful connections, even if they don't always turn romantic.

[End of Episode 7]

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