The Future Apex

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Even in this weird world, I'm considered abnormal. Everyone in my world has some sort of power ranked by strength and type. The types would be Elemental, Psionic, and Physical. The ranks would be, from weakest to strongest, A, B, C, D, S, X.

- Elemental is a very broad term used to describe any power that emits something or controls elements. For example, a person with an Elemental class power could control fire, shoot lasers, or even make portals.

- Psionic is self-explanatory. Anyone with a Psionic power can do things such as telekinesis, telepathy, and read emotions.

- Physical is anything that enhances the normal human body. This can be things like enhanced strength, wings, and the ability to shapeshift.

Where do I fit in, you ask? Well, my power is an X-ranked Physical type that many people have given names to: Apex Predator, Predator, Gluttony, Beelzebub, and Nidhogg, but I call it "Devour". It lets me eat any animal, and use their abilities and whatnot. As cool as it sounds, it has restrictions:
1. Bugs and creatures with an exoskeleton can't be copied because of biological restrictions

2. Copied limbs must be the same limb, meaning an arm must shift into an arm, and a head must shift into a head. 

3. Cooked creatures lower the quality of assimilation due to lost biological data

4. Parts cannot overlap, such as giving an Armadillo shell Porcupine quills. Now giving a Bear arm Porcupine quills is fair game as it's theoretically possible due to the rules of Biology

Anything else is free game. Despite my ability, I'm feared by those who hear about it. So, I joined the military, specifically a Special Ops unit called the "Ghost Division". We basically do things from the shadows. That was until we got disbanded by being scapegoats for an operation gone wrong. But I didn't care, I was hungry for any animal I could find. So what did I do? I became a hunter and poacher; hunting, and even buying, any strong animals I could get my hands on. My little profession has garnered me lots of nicknames, but I usually go by. "Menagerie".

But even Apex predators have something that tries to overthrow the food chain. I went on a hunt for a rare White Tiger to add to my collection, but the person I was hunting with turned out to be a soldier of the UN's wildlife protection group or something like that. Jokes on him, I ate the Tiger like I planned! 

3rd pov
Rodrigez: I'm surprised you let your guard down.....

3rd povRodrigez: I'm surprised you let your guard down

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The alleged Menagerie says nothing, only glaring at Rodrigez. Said male only chuckles at his success. Rodrigez had been an agent for the International Wildlife Conservation Bureau and found out Menagerie planned on hunting a White Tiger. So, he acted as a fellow Poacher and set up a trap for Menagerie, who strangely didn't put up much of a fight. 

Rodrigez: I'm still upset you managed to kill a defenseless White Tiger, but turning you in will save thousands, if not millions of animals! Shame, we could've been best pals had you controlled your hunger.

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