lee mina.

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i'm lee mina, my life is very average.

i live with my mom and dad and i'm an only child.

since i'm an only child, some times it can get lonely, but i have haewon and she's basically like my sister and we can talk forever and about everything.

i go to a highschool near my house, and i work part time at the convenience store across the street, when we have school breaks.

my bestfriend is yoon haewon and we've been best friends since middle school, even though after we became friends we admitted at the start of middle school we didn't really like each other.

kind of ironic ?

anyways, here i am sat with her on the couch, while she's texting a boy.

"who are you texting?" i ask glancing over at haewon.

"oohhh it's this boy from school, he's really cute" she answers, still smiling at her phone.

i sighed lightly a grin creeping onto my face "oh my gosh show me a photo" i say quickly sitting up.

"i thought you'd never ask" she adds laughing.

she sits up searching for something on her phone, finally getting the picture up she leans closer and passes her phone to me.

"oh, he is cute" i say agreeing with her about the boy on the screen.

"i know right, his names intak, he's one of my brothers friends" she says smiling up at me, with a proud look on her face.

"why do you look proud?" i ask chuckling and lean back, going back to stare at the tv infront of us.

"because apparently, he doesn't really talk to many girls" she says, kind of whispering.

i sit up in shock, "WHAT" i scream as she shushes me. "how can he not talk to many girls when he's so cute?" i ask quieter.

"i know it must mean i'm special" she starts giggling and jumping around in her seat like a little kid.

"anyways why did you shush me?" i add stuffing a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"because stupid, keeho might hear you. and if he hears i'm talking to one of his friends he will literally kill me" she sighs leaning back as she puts her phone down. "so be quiet please and thank youuu" she adds dragging out the 'you'.

i sigh saying whatever as we both sit back and watch tv.

whatever show is on is boring and i begin to space out.

yeah i forgot to mention haewons twin brother. keeho, known for being gorgeous, also him and his friends are kinda known from being popular.

i don't pay attention to it to much, so i don't know all of them.

but that's one of my favourite reason's to go to her house, because sometimes him and a few of his friends are in the kitchen, while me and haewon are sat on the couch.

giving me the perfect angle to fangirl over them.

sounds creepy, but honestly if you were me, i promise, you'd do the same.

i haven't met all of them, i've only met jiung, soul and theo.

and they're a sight for sore eyes already, but i barely ever see them at school with the different friend groups and such.

"heyyy, mina? you're spacing out" haewon says rolling her eyes and laughing at me.

i shake my head as we continue watching a the show on the tv.

time passes and i have to go home since it's a school night.

"bye haewon see you, bye keeho" i say grabbing my bag and shoes and opening the door to leave.

"bye mina" i hear haewon and keeho shout at the same time.

i shut the door and start heading home.

as i'm walking, i decide i'll just go to the store across the street to get snacks.

i walk in as the bell rings, i stroll down the isle's picking up a couple of items then heading to the till.

"that'll be $6" the person behind the counter said.

i reached in my pockets as i was searching i still couldn't find my purse.

"uhm sorry-" i started but got interrupted.

"it's okay i'll pay" a boy appeared out of no where and put the money down.

"oh my gosh thank you, i'll have to repay you" i turn to look at him.

he looks around my age he was slightly taller than me and i couldn't deny his cuteness either.

"nono i promise it's fine" i looked at me with the cutest smile i've ever seen.

i nearly melted.

"well thanks again if i see you i'm paying you back" i say smiling back at him.

i pick up the bag and leave the store.

'that boy was so kind, oh my god i'm such an idiot, i didn't even get his name' i thought as i walked home mentally cursing myself.

i sit on my bed, bag of snacks in hand as i get a call.
caller id: hoewon 🙈
answer | decline

'heyyy what's up?'

'hey mina you left your purse at my house i'll bring it to school with me tomorrow.'

'oh my god thank you, i almost had a heart attack'
me and haewon spoke on the phone until i went to sleep which made me forget about the boy from the store.

i did want to meet him again and repay him, or atleast get his name.

riri speaks 🥰
oh my, what a short first chapter anywaysss I LOVE SEOB. i'm thinking of starting a jongseob fanclub? just a thought.
lalalalalalaaaaa anyways hope u enjoyed the first chapter 😋

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