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On Monday, I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my dorm door. I groaned as I got out of bed and opened the door, only to be met with Heeseung, "We're late to class." Is the first thing he said. After hearing that, I immediately looked over at my clock to see that it's already five minutes past when the bell for first period rang.

I pull Heeseung inside and rush to my closet, pulling out my uniform. I then look over at Heeseung who nods, covering his eyes with his hands immediately. I then got undressed and into my school uniform as fast as humanly possible before sliding on my shoes, grabbing my bag, and pulling Heeseung along with me out of my dorm. I quickly locked my door before running to class, hand in hand with Heeseung.

The both of us entered our history class and only with the suspicious looks of the students and Miss Hwang did I realize how wrong this probably looked. We were out of breath, I had messy hair, we were still stupidly holding hands, and were both late to class.

"Please sit down. Luckily, I haven't started class yet." Miss Hwang tells us and we both thank her as we pull our hands away from one another and sit down.

Miss Hwang then starts her lesson on war and I try my best to flatten down my hair with my hands. I then felt Heeseung's breath against my ear, "Don't you think things looked kind of wrong." He whispers, making me shiver. It was actually so attractive for no reason at all. I don't say anything and just push him away and when I finally look his way, I can see him smirking.


That night, when I went back to my dorm after parting ways with Heeseung and his friends, there was a somewhat creepy aura in my room but I didn't think much of it. Earlier I had read some creepy book at the library so I was just blaming it on that before going to sleep.

"Jia." I was woken up by someone shaking me and when I opened my eyes I found that I was standing up, in front of Heeseung, on the side of the school I had been to when I was going on a walk the last time. I was sleepwalking? That had never happened to me before. "You were sleepwalking, are you okay?" Heeseung asked me.

"I.. yeah, I'm okay." I say, kind of confused. "I've just never done that before." I tell him as I hold onto his arm.

He comfortingly shushes me, "It's alright. Let me take you back to your dorm." Heeseung tells me and I let him lead me back to my dorm.

He hugged me goodbye before I was left in my dorm room. I lie down in my bed and was falling asleep when something told me to look out the window. I got out of my bed, my feet touching the cold floor as I slowly and sleepily walked to the window. That is when I realized that where my window looked out to was where I had found myself walking to before and where I woke up at. I then saw someone walking over to where I was standing before. It was Heeseung. He was talking to someone, it seemed. I watched and I saw someone else emerge from where I could not see from the window. Then that same someone looked my way and when I tell you I dropped to the floor so fast, I meant it. I then crawled on the floor, to my bed, and hid under the covers- feeling a sudden sense of fear.


The next day, I could not get last night off of my mind. I don't know what it was about the whole thing but it just gave me the creeps. The biggest question in my head was 'who was that guy with Heeseung?'.

I had ended up going back to my dorm right after school with Heeseung. He had told me he was bored out of his mind and that all of the other guys were busy right now so here we were. He sat on my bed as I looked through my closet for something to do but I could find absolutely nothing.

"Hey." I heard Heeseung say and I turned to face him. "Don't worry about it. We can just talk, if you want. You seem like you have a lot on your mind." He tells me. I sigh as I step back from my closet and shut the door before walking over to the bed. Heeseung opens up his arms for me and so I go straight for his chill embrace. "Tell me what's wrong." He then tells me.

"I don't know.." I say against his neck because well, I don't even know how to explain how I was feeling or even what in particular was bothering me.

I feel Heeseung's hands travel up to my hair and he gently starts to play with my hair, "You don't have to tell me right now. We can just talk about something else in the meantime." He says.

I think for a moment, "Mythology. Let's talk about mythology." I suggest that I'd somewhat be talking about my actual topic while also not, if you know what I mean.

He chuckles a little, "Sure. What do you want to talk about? Fairies, mermaids, werewolves, vampires." Heeseung starts listing out suggestions.

"I have a question, actually." I say.

"Ask me whatever." Heeseung tells me.

"I get that all the talk around here is about vampires but what about werewolves, do people here believe in that too?" I ask.

"I think so, I don't think it's as big of a thing as vampires though." Heeseung tells me. "Have you been thinking about this whole vampires thing lately?" He then asks me.

"Maybe." I say before sitting up, "Don't think I'm weird because of that, okay?" I then add.

Heeseung just smiles before bringing his hand up to my cheek, "I'd never think that of you." Heeseung then leans in and gives me a quick kiss, "Tell me though. Why have you been thinking of all this stuff?" Heeseung asks me.

"I think I'm paranoid." I say as I lean down and press my head against his chest. That's weird, I can't even hear his heartbeat. Heeseung then moves me so that I'm resting my head on his shoulder once again. I guess he just has a naturally faint heartbeat or something like that.

"It's normal to be paranoid sometimes without knowing why." Heeseung says. "Like for example, I've been feeling paranoid lately as well." Heeseung then tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, "Because I'm nervous that if I admit something to you, you'll hate me."

"And what would that be?" I ask, sitting up again, seeing as his lowkey went serious.

He looks deep into my eyes, "I love you, Choi Jia." He then tells me.

My heart starts practically beating out of my chest. God, I've never had any guy say that to me. I smile a little, "I.. love you too." I truthfully responded.

Heeseung then pulls me back down to him but this time, so that he could capture my lips with his. As we kiss, his hands make their way to my lower back and he pulls me up against him, pressing my body against his. I didn't want this moment to ever end.

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