110 5 2

TW: character suicide/attempted suicide, mention of overdosing, and brief Self Harm

'open your eyes'

A field of flowers fills my vision.
I look up into the sky, the clouds move with the wind.
I hold onto the rim of my hat to keep it steady.
Everything is moving, even myself, as I walk through the field.
My hands glide through the flowers.
I reach to the middle of it all and I sit down.
It's quite
it's peaceful
No loud noises
no surprises
it's just me
only me...

How did I get here?
I feel cold...
When did I become so cold?
Have I always been this cold?
The ray of light is touching my skin but I can't feel it.

A Rose decorated in thorns sits in front of me, my hand reaching out towards it. I push down into the thorns...I wait for the pain.
For something.
But nothing ever comes.
I push deeper.
Still nothing.
Not even blood.


I detach myself from the flower and I look up quickly.
I look for who called my name.
But all I see is him.
On the other side of the field.
I try to speak but nothing comes out.
Why can't I speak?

"Open your eyes"

...my eyes are open

He comes closer and reaches for my arms
He pulls them out and stares at them

"You're a coward."

No...no i-i'm not...

"You're selfish."

n-no I'm not-a selfish..,

My whole body squirms
He grips on my wrist harder
It hurts.

"Did you even think about how others may feel?"
"They're gonna hate you for this"
"More than how they already do"

my legs go weak
I can barely stand

"You're pathetic"
"You run away from everything."
"You leave others to deal with your shit"
"But not this time."
"You're not going anywhere."

I'm already on the grass crying
I try to reach for his hands
But it feels so out of reach
I really am weak...

"Get up."
"Get. Up."

His grip changes
It's more tight and hard to leave no matter how much I try

"GET. UP."

With tears in my eyes I look up at him.
It's not even him.

It's my father.

The clouds shift again they start to pile up
The sun hides behind the clouds

it's gone
It's all gone
The flowers slowly die
Why won't he let go
Let me go.

I start to fight
I push and shove
I do everything for his grip to change
He pulls me up and hits my stomach
It hurts
He lets me go and I fall

the floor is gone
And I fall
And I keep falling
Finally I see ground
Nothing for me to grab
I cover my head
And I wait for impact

'open your eyes'


A field of flowers fills my vision.
I look up at the sky.
The clouds run with the wind
My hat flies off
I try to reach for it but it was just out of my reach
I chase after it
Everything is moving faster than I want it to
The flowers are crying
The trees are falling
The clouds are forming once again

The sun is gone

I'm not even running for my hat anymore
I'm just. running.
I run.
And I run.
I don't know for how long
But I find a door

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