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The same night..

At yn's house

Taehyung's POV

I would be lying if i said Yn is not the most beautiful girl i had ever seen but we havent started on good terms. That bothers me. I was staring at her until she rolled her eyes and i looked away. Jungwoo was doing something on his phone and i was bored.

Just as i was about to go take a walk in the garden, Mrs. Aggarwal called out to us.

"Come on everyone the dinner is served.. You all must be starving right.. Come on take a seat" Mrs. Aggarwal

"Yes aunty.. The rats in my stomach are jumping around asking for food.." Jungwoo

Mrs. Aggarwal chuckled and went to the dining area as we followed her.. We all sat down on our respected seats while that little chimpanzee sat across me.

Not gonna lie but the food was delicious. Mr. Aggarwal broke the silence as the attention diverted to him.

"About the kids.. I wanted to discuss about their marriage. Now seems the right time as everyone is seated together. Right?" Mr. Aggarwal

"Yeah.. i was gonna ask the same thing" Dad

"Lets start the planning by basic things as both the families already agree on the marriage proposal.. where is gonna be the venue?" Mom

"Let the couple decide?" Mrs. Aggarwal

"Mom.. i want the venue to be goa as aera asked for a beach wedding. Goa seems to be just the right place" Aditya

"Yeah.. I have always wished my wedding to be somewhere on the beach side and goa seems perfect according to aditya" Aera

"Let the marriage be 1 months later?.. we can do shopping and invite everyone till then?" Mom

"Can i be the one who takes care of everyone's outfits? I am really good at fashion" Yn

"Thats great. The parents can take care of the invitations and you kids take care of the outfits and anything you guys need" Mrs. Aggarwal

"So thats all set then.. Lets all take rest tomorrow and then start the preparations day after tomorrow?"

"Perfect!" Aera


Everyone finished their dinner and went to their respective rooms to take rest. Aera and aditya also bid us goodnight and went to sleep in their room. Right now me trisha and jungwoo are playing ludo and talking in my room.

Suddenly someone entered the room. I turned to look who it was, Taehyung, with a frown entered my room.

"Why didnt anyone invite me? Looks like you forgot me" Taehyung

"Stop acting like a kid" Yn

"Who did u call kid?!" Taehyung

"You" yn

"Ok ok.. hyung come on join us.. we were playing ludo" Jungwoo

Taehyung came and sat beside me while i just stared at his face. He looked at me and smirked and i looked away feeling embarrased.

"What happened baby? Cant help but stare?" Taehyung

"Bandar" i whispered under my breath but taehyung heard it.

"What- b-bandar? Whats that :/" Taehyung

"That means handsome.. i called you handsome" i said with a fake smile

"Oh heck yeah i am *hair flip*" Taehyung

Thats when Trisha and jungwoo bursted into laughter while taehyung just gave them a boring look and i facepalmed myself.

"Why are you laughing duh" Taehyung

"B-bandar means Monkey-" Jungwoo said as he clapped his hands on his mouth and my eyes widened.
Taehyung turned his glare towards me.


Hehe..sorry but i am gonna leave u in suspense :)

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