Birth pains

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His beautiful wife lay on the bed beside him. Vusi did not want to leave or fight this stupid war. He just wanted to be beside his wife. She completed him. She softened his heart and if only she knew that she saved him from being the devil.

"What are you looking at Mr." Lindiwe said yawning. "I am looking at my beautiful wife." Vusi said smiling. "Lindiwe, I know I don't say this enough but I love you. With my whole mind, body and soul. No one on this earth will come close to you except the ones you bring into this world but I will still love you more." Vusi said looking at her adoringly. "Okay, who is this and what happened to my Zulu King? You showing emotions now? Wow, I have done a good job with you." Lindiwe said laughing

"Well, Mr Emotions. Your wife has some exiting news to tell you." Lindiwe said sitting upright on the bed. "I am all ears, my wife." Vusi said kissing her hands. "I think I am pregnant." Lindiwe said looking at their joined hands. "I know right. I shouldn't get my hopes high but I really think I am this time. The nausea, boobs are tender and I totally hate the smell of your new cologne. Get rid of it please." Lindiwe said grinning like a fool.

Silence was her response. Vusi had his head bowed and his silence sent Lindiwe into panic mode. "Okay total war happening and I am knocked up, of course he doesn't want it. Stupid Lindiwe." She thought with her heart breaking. If she sat for a few more seconds she was going to cry. She tried to pull her hands free from his but he held on tightly. He eventually looked up at her with tears brimming his eyes. He looked at her as if she was the only person in the world. "I love you, Lindiwe." Vusi said embracing her. "Out of all the woman in the world, God gave me his best. Lindiwe sthandwa, I look at you and see the rest of my life before me." Vusi's voice cracked as he spoke.

Vusi was not use to showing his emotions. His father had created the perfect balance of emotionless king and hitman. He had no mercy and ruled with an iron fist if needed. But, after years of being unable to feel. He was feeling so much emotions at once. He wanted to burst out crying and laughing but he was sure that reaction would scare Lindiwe. He was not the type to cry and lose his cool but this little firecracker had turned his whole life upside down in a good way though. He stayed in bed for most of the evening speaking to Lindiwe. As they spoke about baby names he looked at the joy on his wife's face. Crazy that just a few months ago she was not keen on being a mother and now she was talking nurseries and birth plans. Vusi just listened to her whimsical talk about motherhood and smiled. He loved this crazy little vixen of his.

He didn't want to talk about getting a pregnancy test just yet. He wanted to lose himself in this moment before the war started. He might not make it out alive and he wanted to make sure his last moments with his wife were beautiful. When Lindiwe eventually fell asleep he made his way to the kitchen. He had to get his men together so they can plan their attack.

Vusi was not the type to sit on his ass and let his throne be taken from him. Someone was definitely going to die for this but he had to plan his moves meticulously. He was more careful with Lindiwe around. She was his biggest weakness and strength in one. He wanted to win back the Throne for her but he didn't want to leave her alone if he died in his war. He was planning on coming back alive even if it meant killing Sifiso.

The kitchen was huge and had wide island in the middle. The lights were motion activated and as soon as he approached the fridge door the whole kitchen lit up.

He grabbed a beer and sat on the bar stool for while. He was lost in his thoughts until he heard a woman laughing. The only women in this house were his wife and little sister. According to him both woman were sleeping but from the giggles he was hearing Nomsa was still awake.

He got up from his stool and followed the sound of her laughter. The voices and laughter landed him in front Mbuso's bedroom door. He was about to leave cause he knew the kind of relationship Mbuso had with him and his sisters. He was a brother to all of them and growing up together meant he was close with all of them. "Mbuso not there!" Nomsa said while giggling. "It sounded like Mbuso and his babies sister were..." Vusi could not even finish the sentence in his head. "Was this idiot fucking my sister!" Vusi thought angrily. He yanked hard on the handle and pushed the door open.

"What the hell!" Nomsa said jumping off the bed when Vusi stormed in. "What the hell is happening in here!" Vusi roared looking at Mbuso. "30 seconds."Mbuso said smiling. "What? You are playing some dirty sex game called 30 seconds!" Vusi was about to jump at Mbuso when his sister held up a small hourglass used for play the board game 30 seconds. "Oh, you are playing 30 seconds." Vusi said feeing stupid as ever. "Yeah, what did you think we were doing?" Nomsa confused.

"Actually, Nomsa go to your room it's bedtime!" Vusi said pushing her out the room. "Dude!" Nomsa protested but Vusi was too strong. She waved goodbye as she was pushed away. "Good night babydoll." Mbuso said waving back.

"We need to plan our attack. Get the men, please." Vusi said taking a sip from his beer. "Bafo, what did you think we were doing?" Mbuso asked smiling. "Voetsek." Vusi said laughing. "Don't worry Bafo, she is like a little sister to me too." Mbuso said walking out.

The rest of the night was spent planning how they would attack the palace and take back what rightfully belonged to Vusi. "Bafo, by this time tomorrow you should be on your Throne." Mbuso said handing Vusi a beer. "I hope so, Bafo." Vusi said exhaling loudly. "I can't help but worry about what this means for Noma. Killing her husband will break her Mbuso." Vusi said looking at his best friend. "I know Bafo, but her husband drew the first blood." Mbuso said with a grim expression. "Uphakathi komhlane nembeleko and that is when we attack" Vusi said calmly.

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