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STARTED: 31/05/23


YES - you will be in Gryffindor
YES - this is a enemies to friends to lovers story
NO - you won't be friends with the golden trio
YES - you are popular in some of the parts
NO - this isn't just features from the movies,
some from the books


Strong language


This starts off in the philosophers stone, then goes through all the movies. You start off in your third year. You are in a friend group with 6 people called: Kara Redwood, Millicent Welsh, Ruby Wolfhard, Xavier Hellhar and James Joles. Kara Redwood is a shy but the smartest one, while being in Slytherin. She was also a half-blood, which got her much hate. Millicent Welsh is a prankster like you, but is still really smart while being in Ravenclaw, which made people think she loved school when she hated it. She was muggle-born, which a lot of people caused her more hate than Kara.

Ruby Wolfhard was also a bit shy, but a lot more open and smart than Kara, while being a Ravenclaw. She was a pure-blood, but got the same amount of hate as everyone for being friends with muggle-borns and half-bloods. Xavier Hellhar was a prankster with Millicent, while being in Slytherin with Kara. He was a muggle-born, which he had a lot of bullying from his house for. James Joles was a shy and didn't open up to others well but opened up to you guys, and he was in Gryffindor. He was a Half-blood, just like Kara. You were a prankster and the dumbest of the group, being in Gryffindor. You are a pure-blood, but got you lots of hate because of hanging out with Millicent, Kara, James, Xavier. You joined the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as a Chaser, which lead to you being the 2nd captain of the team.

Your father left when you were born, while your mother stayed with you. Your mother works at the Ministry with Amos Diggory and Arthur Weasley. Your family and the Weasley family never got along, and you never knew why. Your family and the Diggory family got along well, you just didn't talk much.

Your mother was sorted into Slytherin while at school, becoming friends with Lucius Malfoy which lead to the Malfoy and L/n family becoming friends. Your mother is a sweet woman though, always taking care of you. She never really cared if you got into trouble, she just wanted you to be happy.


7:30 - breakfast
9:00 - herbology
10:00 - astrology
11:15 - transfiguration
12:15 - lunch
1:15 - defence against the dark arts
2:30 - potions
3:00 - study
3:30 - free time/quidditch practice
6:00 - dinner
Curfew - 8:00


7:30 - breakfast
9:00 - potions
10:00 - defence against the dark arts
11:15 - herbology
12:15 - lunch
1:15 - astrology
2:30 - transfiguration
3:00 - study
3:30 - free time/quidditch practice
6:00 - dinner
Curfew - 9:00


7:30 - breakfast
9:00 - herbology
10:00 - astrology
11:15 - transfiguration
12:15 - lunch
1:15 - defence against the dark arts
2:30 - potions
3:00 - study
3:30 - free time/quidditch practice
6:00 - dinner
Curfew - 10:00


7:30 - breakfast
9:00 - potions
10:00 - defence against the dark arts
11:15 - herbology
12:15 - lunch
1:15 - charms
2:30 - transfiguration
3:00 - study
3:30 - free time/quidditch practice
6:00 - dinner
Curfew - 11:00


7:30 - breakfast
9:00 - charms
10:00 - transfiguration
11:15 - potions
12:15 - lunch
1:15 - herbology
2:30 - defence against the dark arts
3:00 - study
3:30 - free time/quidditch practice
6:00 - dinner
Curfew - midnight


F/n - father name
M/n - mother name
Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
O/n - owl name


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