chapter 20

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The soft flesh and raising and lowering of Ewkiro's body pressed against hers distracted her from all the sounds surrounding her, she heard soft chirps of woodland creature's and a commotion on the beach, her eyelids slowly peeling off of one another, her braid tossed randomly onto the grass and her clothing crooked on her body as sleep needing her tried to put them on as a last resort to not sleep naked in the grass, her bracelet was on the ground in front of her, only an arms reach, she thought, her arm sliding out from under Ewkiro's to reach for the bracelet, suddenly it felt like it was further away. If there was one thing they didn't tell you about having one eye, was that not only are you unbalanced, but three feet look like three centimetres, to preserve depth, distance and all those fancy things, you need two eyes to see two different perspectives and merge them together, when your one eye is a dud, thats out of the window. Swiriya stretched her fingers at the woven fabric, her fingers stretching to where she saw the bracelet was, she saw it, that's the worst part, her brain thought it was right. There. Yet her hand knew it was somehow further away, Swiriya groaned, pushing Ewkiro's arm off of her waist weakly to try to reach it, she sat up, her hand falling onto the ground to grasp at the woven accessory which was annoying her to no ends, only for her hand to grasp at straws. She groaned, tensing when she heard Ewkiro yawn.

"Whats wrong Ma'riya"

"Ots nothing- go to sleep yuey" Swiriya's brows furrowed, her nose scrunching as her mind tried comprehending where exactly that god damn bracelet was, the thing taunting her. Ewkiro sat up behind her, her hands still rubbing at her eyes.

She grabbed at a seemingly empty patch of grass behind where she could see it.

"Sweetheart your bracelet is here"

"I- what- how it- how the hell-" she started sputtering.

"It's alright love, what's happening down there?"

"I don't know" As if on cue samson blades cut through the air, making Swiriya jump up.

"Someone's flown in"
"Hm? Oh" Ewkiro lazily looked at her as if asking 'how is that important'

"Kiro, that means something has happened, let's go!-" Swiriya stood up, grasping at Ewkiro's palm, pulling her up, the girl, thankfully was mostly dressed, her top still on the grass. Ewkiro started walking to where the clearing ended, making Swiriya chuckle and grab her top.

"Kiro you forgot something"
"What- oh- Oh!" The girl reddened, quickly fumbling to put her top on

"Sorry- sorry-" And when she was decent they skidded down to the village

"Whats happening?"

She ran up to her family, not aware of how many marks covered her neck.
"Swiriya your neck is kinda-" Loak started coughing to disguise the laughter he was trying not to let out. Swiriya looked down at her neck and then at Ewkiro's quickly crossing her arms to cover the ones trailing down to her chest.

"So answer my question, the hell's happening?"

"Kiri had an accident-"
"What?! How- how- when?!"

"Chill, it was at the spirit tree, we went and she had a seizure, while you where obviously, getting busy" his last words where awkward sounding but Swiriya didn't register them. She distracted herself and that happened? Could've she even protected Kiri from something like that? She didn't know but she cleared her mind, turning to the samson.

"So why is there a samson lowering onto the beach?"

"Oh, Norms coming" Her ears stood up at that, her tail flickering, she and Norm had a mutual respect which turned to friendship, when she saw Norm stepping out of the chopper she ran forward, noticing her father trailing behind her, having a harder time to resist the wind, she liked to think it was cause she was young, and Norm and father where, well not youngins anymore, ha, dunny word. Behind her Loak awkwardly stood with Ewkiro, both having red faces and obviously uncomfortable.

"Norm!" She yelled over the loudness of the samson, Norm also starting to yell.

"Swiriya!" They high fived, their hands reaching up to their forearms and pressing tightly, nodding at eachother. She stepped back, letting her father reach Norm, walking back to the crowd of people.

"Who's that?" Whispered Tsireya.

"Thats Norm, he's a dreamwalker"

"He can help Kiri?"

"Yeah, i hope so"

Tsireya nodded to her solemnly, then Swiriya turned to Ewkiro, who was looking down at herself with a look of horror.

"You animal" Ewkiro whispered.

"Its not like you went light yourself' Swiriya scoffed, playfully spitting back at Ewkiro's comment.

"I look like an animal mauled me,"

"No animal does that, and then just leaves you, Yuey"

"Sure" Ewkiro scoffed, a slight smile on her lips

"Its not..that noticeable, its fine" Swiriya swatted her hand around, she looked around at the people staring at them, it was noticeable, to everyone, fuck.

"I can spot 4 women looking at me and you weirdly in a disgusted way and 3 looking at us.. Creepily" Ewkiro tried covering herself up with her top, the shawl only doing so little

"Thats fine its only 7 people, ignore them"

"Sorry?" Swiriya lookd at her, her eyebrow's scrunched.

"Yeah uh huh, when i said 3 and 4 i meant 3 and 4 dozen, next time simmer down"

Ewkiro put her fingers up to her temples, massaging them, trying to covertly cover her face with her palms.

"There's gonna be a next time?"

"Shut up or ill shut you up"

"I'd like to see you try-" Swiriya dodged a slap incoming onto her shoulder.

"Shorty-" she ducked, barely evading the hand that was coming to strike at her head, awkwardly she laughed, the look on Ewkiro's face reminding her of the time she tried pranking grandmother. It starting with a hop up fro mthe shadows, ending with her tied up in front of the clan, getting berated by, in her opinion, the scariest woman alive. Norm walking to the Marui her family lived in reminded her of the situations seriousness, her cheeky smile dropping, her eye's turning worried, looking at Ewkiro with fear in her eye's. Ewkiro's anger disintegrating into worry when she saw her face.

"Yawne whats wrong?"

"Its Kiri- She had a seizure- i forgot to tell you im sorry"

"Kiri what? Yawne we have to go right now i might be able to help"

"No- we need to let the science guys do their work, yuey- lets just go see-"

"I am Tsakerem." Her tone was firm, deep and assured, this time it was Ewkiro who grabbed Swiriya by the wrist, dragging her off to her family's Marui, her grip deathly.

Yo! Eb here with another shitty upload, tnx to the one person who commented on yesterday's chapter, i tried fixing the huge sudden emotion and tone shift, If anyone who is reading this has not read Project tiftanglen i really do recommend you read it, its an earlier work, but its more emotional and despite the fact i cringe looking back at some parts i still put a lot of effort into it, this work is reaching huge reads daily and i am beyond surprised, we went from 2 k to 2,7k in less than 2 days and i am so thankful to everyone who takes time out of their day to read what i write, what do you know, maybe after this i write another book and its even better lol.


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