chapater 2!

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The next morning.
Aria complained, "I feel sick",
aria looked very pale and had a temperature.
Alya's and Aria's mum said "Aria i know your sick, but you have to go to school you can't miss your first day of school, i'm sure Alya will look after you honey".
Aria said "okay mum".

When Alya and Aria arrived at school, Marinette was waiting for them at the entrance with the other girls.
Aria hid behind Alya as she was really shy, because she did not know who they were.
The bell rang.
"guys let's go to class before we are late" Alya said.
Aria whispered into Alya's ear. "Alya im scared and i feel sick."
Miss bustier said to the whole class "We have a new student today, her name is Aria cesaire, so im guessing she's alya's sister. all welcome her to the class".
Aria asked " miss bustier, where do i sit?".
Miss bustier replied "you can sit next to adrein adgreste, Adrein can you put your hand up for Alya please?".
Aria goes and sits next to adrein.

30 minutes later.

Adrein and aria were talking about some stuff.
Then randomly aria ran out of the classroom.
Adrien asked if he did something wrong.
but then Alya ran out of the class after aria.
She found Aria in the toliet stall, crying saying "i can't, i feel sick".
Hawkmoth had a sense of negative emotions.
"bye bye, my little akuma" hawkmoth said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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