The date?

471 6 2

We see fuutaro and (y/n) walking to the quintuplets apartments as they knock on this door

(y/n) was still happy about yesterday since he was actually didn't completely sleep yesterday

(y/n): "(heh she thought i didn't hear her yesterday that would be so fun then)"

As they were waiting yotsuba open the door for them but (y/n) noticed sometimes was off about her smile today it was a bit unnatural

Yotsuba: "hey there you two here for another tutoring section usegi,(y/n)" she said

Fuutaro: "hey there yotsuba can we get in now i brought some new tests for you guys"

Yotsuba moved aside so they can walk in but before that she said something

yotsuba: "ano fuutaro can i have a word with (y/n) alone here before we get in it well be fast i promise"

Fuutaro:"yea sure just be quick please, are you alright with this (y/n)"

(y/n) nods his head knowing that it has something to do about her smile today

(y/n):"yea i don't mind really just don't panic without me alright?"

Fuutaro role both his eyes as he walk inside the apartment

Fuutaro: "whatever" he said

It now just yotsuba and (y/n) staring at eachother

(y/n): "so what wrong yotsuba what did you want to talk about"

Yotsuba: ".... I am sorry.." she said lowering her head down

(y/n) was now all confused in the situation he dvd know what to do

(y/n): "what do you mean by tha-" he now looks at yotsuba as she raise her head looking at him with tears

(y/n): "what do you mean by tha-" he now looks at yotsuba as she raise her head looking at him with tears

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(y/n): "yotsuba....." he said with his voice full of concern

Yotsuba: "i am sorry.... That i didn't know about the drugs yesterday" she said with her face full of tears

(y/n): "huh drugs..."

Yotsuba: "sorry that i didn't know earlier i let you get hurt i was so sad seeing you in pain yesterday.... I am sorr-"

She was about to apologize again but then she felt a soft touch in her face as a hand whipped away her tears

(y/n): "yotsuba.... It not your fault how would you know that she drugged my drink it not like you can read minds or anything can you know?" he said smiling while whipping her tears away

Yotsuba:"no... B-but"

(y/n):"no buts now let go to study before fuutaro get all mad at us and give us a boring lecture alright? "he said patting the side of her face

(y/n):"no buts now let go to study before fuutaro get all mad at us and give us a boring lecture alright? "he said patting the side of her face

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