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Chapter 31

    Shi Weiyan underwent another operation. To show that the Shi family is still a united and harmonious family, the entire Shi family came to the hospital to visit. Zhao Qiyun and Shi Weibin took care of everything and left without sitting for a while, leaving only Shi Taiyuan behind.

    Shi Kelan actually didn't want to do this, she thought it would disturb her father's rest.

    For example, Shi Tae-won, who was on the phone while eating melon seeds in the ward, and Ding Siming reminded him repeatedly, but this guy still didn't know how to repent and continued to do his own way.

    Looking at his pale father, Shi Kelan finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Can I go out to make a call?"

    Shi Taiyuan rolled his eyelids, put away his phone and said, "Why are you so awesome, you don't even care if I make a call?"

    " Don't you have eyes, don't you know where this is?"

    "Hey, I'm still making trouble here today, what can you do to me?"

    Shi Li saw that Shi Taiyuan was about to mess up, so she immediately went to pull Shi Kelan, afraid of them Make a fuss here.

    Ding Siming also pulled Shi Taiyuan in a good voice, and hurriedly said that he had something to say.

    Shi Taiyuan was stubborn as soon as he came up, and his neck was stalked, as if he was about to fight Shi Kelan, and he waved his arm without finding the right direction, and directly greeted Ding Siming's face.

    Ding Siming took Shi Weiyan into consideration, and it took him a long time to get Shi Taiyuan out. The relevant medical staff immediately discovered the commotion here and invited the two people out. When Shi Kelan settled Shi Li and ran out, Ding Siming and Shi Tae-won has fought for several rounds.

    Moreover, the two sides have come and gone, and all of them have lost the lottery.

    Shi Taiyuan had already left cursing, leaving only Ding Siming.

    "Siming, are you alright... Oh my god, you're bleeding!" Shi Kelan exclaimed, dragged Ding Siming to the hospital, and wanted to ask a doctor to bandage her.

    "It's okay." Ding Siming touched the blood under his nose and softly comforted Shi Kelan.

    Back at the hospital, Shi Li saw the gauze on Ding Siming's face, and quickly stood up: "Did you do it?"

    "It's okay, I fell." Ding Siming was still giggling.

    "You child..." Shi Li sighed, couldn't hold back, and coughed twice.

    "Mom, you also need to rest recently." Seeing this, Shi Kelan wanted Shi Li to go back.

    "I don't worry about leaving your father alone, and there is no satisfactory nurse." Shi Li sighed, her face that should have been graceful became paler.

    Shi Kelan was silent.

    The company also needs people to guard their positions, and she can't get away at all.

    "Let me come, auntie, your body is the most important thing. After you take care of your body, you can take care of uncle." As soon as

    these words came out, Shi Kelan and Shi Li all looked at Ding Siming.

    Ding Siming was still a little embarrassed: "Xiaolan's company can't leave. I've been quite leisurely recently. As long as my uncle doesn't object, I'll be fine. It's more reassuring to watch as a family." Shi Li glanced at the lying on the bed

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