Chapter 2

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"Because I know, I just know! She's a baby. If you guys saw her you would think the same as me. She loves fairies, she has the biggest baby face in the world, and she looks so innocent, I just wish I could protect her."

"Okay, but what are you going to do to find out? Are you going to ask her?" Florence asks me puzzled, in a wry voice.

"I got her number, I think about calling her out again, and try to gain her trust" I say sincerely, it seemed like a silly plan but it was the right thing to do.

"And how can we help?" Elizabeth asks me, reflecting on what I've said. I think she is willing to give it a chance.

"Initially I'll go out with her alone, so she doesn't get scared. And then we can arrange to go out with her together.

"Scarlett, if the three of us go out together, imagine how many paparazzi there will be." Florence says

"Okay, we can have dinner here at home, or at your place." I say, but really that was the least of it, what really mattered was that we got to know Alice better.

"Do you think she can really be our baby one day Scar?" Liz asks me with her eyes shining.

"I really think so" I say smiling at her "I'm still calling her out this week, I'm really looking forward to us"


Starting another week! This week I'm going to visit my grandparents at the nursing home, I'm missing them terribly.

I confess that sometimes I feel sad when I visit them, because they get older every day, and I know that soon they won't be here anymore, I'm scared to be alone. And that's what everything is indicating... I have no friends, no parents, I have no desire to date. So it seems that in the end I will be alone.

The way to the retirement home is very fast, by bus I arrive in 10 minutes. The people who work there already know me, I like them a lot.

"Hi Alice, how are you?" Ruth one of the nurses greets me.

"Hi Ruth, how are you?" I ask nicely.

"All very well too dear. Your grandparents are waiting for you" she smiles taking me to their room.

The retirement home was a very nice place, and very relaxing. I am happy to know that my grandparents are in a good place.

"Hi Grandma, hi Grandpa!" I say as I enter their room. They each had a bed, and there were devices to monitor their health on the side of their beds. I give each one a little kiss.

"How are you our dear Alice?" Grandma lucy asks. Her voice was very weak for her age.

"Very well, and missing you all very much!" I say grabbing a chair and sitting between the beds so I can see both of them.

"How is college my child?" Grandpa henry asks.

"Very well, I am getting very good grades grandpa" I smile at him.

"You have always been very smart" he says and I turn red from the compliment, but very happy that he thinks that about me.

"Tell us what you did last week my child," Grandma says holding my hand, and I love that nickname.

I think about what I am going to say, and end up smiling without realizing it. Last week I met a very nice person, which I had never imagined I would meet. A person who brought me totally unknown feelings, but good feelings. But I don't think I will have the chance to see her again... although she promised to call me, but she must be very busy.

"Cat got your tongue?" my grandfather asks playfully, and I come back to reality, turning red again.

"I was just remembering last week" I say laughing " can you believe I made friends with a famous person?" I say spontaneously.

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