we met. I friended her and realized. just in October of 2019, that someone was active online as I was. we helped eacother out and she conbiced me to get discord. One day, I made a joke about liking her with my 3rd friend. ( I think that 3rd friend has moved on with their life, we haven't seen them in soo long.) The third friend individually asked the each of us if we genuinely liked each other and for the first time i realized she wasn't just a friend. we both felt the same way and started dating which seems weird at first to say ur e dating someone but if you personally know them, I think it's fine. we know almost everything about each other.
everythint down to our own I P addresses.we both build each other's lives. At first it seemed so cringe to admit I loved her. but one day I thought she stopped loving me, I sobbed until I realized nothing was her fault. crying sm over her made me realize how much I truly love her. every time I would be waiting for her, I see her message pop up and I'm happy. without each other we wouldn't be complete. I guess I would have to find another person the same age somehow , 2 days younger than me. (sarcastic ofc, it would be impossible to do that)