Chapter 70: A New Training Begins!

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After a while of walking, we reached a village; we, Jairaya, decided to have us stop for a bit. We were currently walking through the village, looking around.

Naruto then took out his frog wallet.

"Oh, baby! That one fat frog you got there! You're filthy rich!" Jiraya shouted.

"Yeah, got a pretty big stash! I've been saving up bit by bit from my missions," Naruto happily replied.

"I'll hold onto your wallet for you!" Jiraiya said and then reached for Naruto's wallet.

I narrowed my eyes and smacked Jairiya's hand away from Naruto's wallet, catching them both off guard with my actions. I then took out my snake wallet and headed to it to him rolling my golden eyes.

"I know what you are attempting to do, fool; Naruto worked hard for his money. Now if you're going to waste somebody's money, let it be mine," I stated with my arms crossed as my wallet was in his hand.

Jiraiya smiled and didn't hesitate to accept my offer. I, of course, wasn't foolish enough to give him all money and took some out and stored it in my backpack pocket before giving it to him.

"Alright, go on. Have fun," Jiraiya said, sending us off on our way.

Naruto and I turned around and started walking off.

"Was he really going to take my money?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it," I replied in a monotone voice.

"Hey Kei, are you okay?" Naruto asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Naruto," I said with a faint smile on my face.

I wasn't feeling like myself. I couldn't shake the memories of my father that Itachi showed me. He went through so much pain growing up, causing him to change. I wish there were a way to fix this, and I believe that Danzo guy brought did something to make things worse. Well, not fix it but get him to come on back so we can be a family at least. I know that what Mom would want to speak of her. Why didn't she tell me she was a Sneju and used to live in the Hidden Leaf? Was it because of forced marriage?

My mind was full of so many thoughts and questions.

"Well then, let's get this started!" Naruto cheered happily, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Naruto was definitely a mood booster. He grabbed my hand, and we began running. He was eager to go around and enjoy the festival that was going on in the village.


A good amount of time passed as Naruto and I enjoyed the festival: all the games, the food, everything. Money wasn't an issue for me, unlike Naruto.

I might of have given Jiraiya in my wallet, and it was probably empty by now. It was okay; Anko gave me money weekly for chores, and my father gave me birthday money for each birthday, and I received money from my missions, so I was good to go.

Now we were headed off to find Jairaya after Naruto brought him a squid on a stick from one of the food stands.

"Good grief, where did he run off to?" Naruto whined.

"Hey, probably off somewhere studying females,'" I said, rolling my eyes, recalling my father's tales of his old teammate.

Then just as I said that we heard Jiraiyas familiar laugh from somewhere. Naruto and I glanced at each other and then at where it came from. We walked inside the place up ahead, pushing away the curtains.

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