Chapter Five~Just Hanging Around

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I changed my mind we're gonna be besties with all the ghouls 🤭🤭 also what do we thing of the Hanging Around cover bc it's my second fav on the new album🫶
Have fun with this chapter, im a percussionist who mains marimba and timpani so i thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter:)
~your POV~

I got back to my room, after being more social then I wanted to, but I had fun! There's three things I want to do, decorate my room, go into my practice room and find some music to play, and hang out with Swiss.

I can put off decorating until later, I want to practice! It's been a while, so this should be fun. I changed into more comfortable clothes, which was my Korn hoodie and some sweatpants. (you have a whole closet now ig 🤷)

Luckily I remembered where it was. I opened the door and flicked on the light expecting to have a fairly small room. "No fucking way!" I yelled, a little louder then I meant to. It was a decently large room. Filled with all sorts of percussion instruments. Just to name a few, the timpani, marimba, xylophone, glockenspiel, chimes, and even a drum set!

Huh, I thought Mountain played drum set though. I wonder, walking over to it. There was a note on the seat, from Copia.

"Hello again little one! I had Imperator put in a drum set for you, in case Mountain is ever not able to play. Have fun! Also, I included the set list for the upcoming tour. The sheet music to all of our songs is set on the Marimba, you have a specific part for each. Get learning! ~Cardi C ❤️"

Going over to the marimba, I saw the set list and a fat stack of music. (Pretend we already know how to play 🤭) I read over the set list and found the corresponding music sheets.


Ashes, Dance Macabre, Per Aspera Ad Inferi, Year Zero, Square Hammer, Ghuleh/Zombie Queen, Devil Church, He Is, Life Eternal, Cirice, Ritual, Con Clavi Con Dio, Mummy Dust."

Damn, that's a lot to learn. I'll have to ask Copia how much time we have before the tour. I look through my parts, and most of them are on the timpani and marimba, except for Devil Church. Since it was the odd one out, I went over to the chimes and started learning.

The song was fairly easy, once I found the recording. It was kind of the same notes and rhythms the whole time. I got it memorized in almost no time, surprising since the chimes are not my favorite. I moved to the timpani and started to learn the songs there, but only played through them once or twice.

After playing through everything on the timpani, I went over to marimba (my fav instrument 🤭🫶) and looked through the songs on this one. It was more songs from the recent two albums, other than Mummy Dust and Cirice. I started playing through some, and then got to square hammer.

This looks fun... I say, looking at the solo specifically. Before I even play it I listen to the song, then do a play through. I was struggling to keep up with the recording during the solo, but all the other parts were fine. I then played the song at my own pace, somewhat close to the normal tempo. Surprisingly playing it at my own pace helped, because I ended up not messing up the solo.

I hear clapping come from behind me, towards the door. I didn't know someone walked in since the marimba was not facing the door. I turn to see Aether standing by the door, his guitar leaning on his leg.

"Sweet Satan, you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at him.

"My bad, sorry y/n." Aether laughed.

"How'd you know where I was?"

"I didn't, I went to your room and knocked but didn't get an answer so I came over here and saw you practicing and went to go grab my guitar. I came back when you were playing through square hammer, wanna practice with me?" He smile, holding up his guitar.

"Really? I'd love to! I have the main riff of the song down, I just need to work the solo and ending."

"Okay then, we can start at measure 33 and take the second ending, sound good?"

"Actually would we be able to start at 21? It will probably throw me off if we start at the end of the chorus." I laughed, not wanting to be picky.

"Sounds good to me!" Aether says, counting us off at the right tempo. I gripped my mallets and played the song to the best of my ability, though it seemed like Aether was going faster. We played that part a few times, and then went through the whole song.

"Damn Aether, it seemed like you were going faster than the normal song." I said, after we finished the last play through.

"If you know how to play it fast, you know how to play it slower than you practice." He said, smiling. (Actual advice, learn how to play your songs like 5-10 bpm over it helps)

"Im hungry though, it's dinner time." I say, putting my mallets away.

"Alright, can we stop by my practice room so I can put my guitar away first?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I said as we walked out of the room. Aether put his guitar away and we head up to the main hall for dinner. Me and Aether got dinner and sat at a table, when Swiss comes and sits down next to me.

"Damn y/n, im hurt. You hang out with Aether before me?" Swiss says sarcastically.

"Oh shit I'm sorry Swiss! I totally got carried away practicing songs. We can hand out tomorrow though!" I say. I totally forgot about Swiss! I feel so bad now!

"It's okay y/n, im not offended, just joking with you." He laughs. We all finish eating and I headed back to my room. I laid down just scrolling on my phone, looking on Amazon for things to decorate my room with.

Not long later, I get a knock at my door. I roll out of my bed (I love my bed 😔👊) and walk over to the door, opening it all the way. I saw Swiss, Sodo, and Mountain standing at my door. Swiss was holding a game of Sorry!

"Hey y/n, sorry, I couldn't wait until tomorrow." Swiss laughs, looking at the game in his hands. "Mind if we come in?"
I loved this chapter, also sorry for the lack of Mountain in the last few chapters, you'll get a lot of him in the next one 🤭

Edit: forgot to mention I made an instagram for this💀 it's the same user as here :)
~1138 words~

Envy// a mountain ghoul x fem reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now