♦️𝙸𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚗 𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 ♠️

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Cuphead and Mugma'am hurried back to their room, brainstorming ways to make their plan work. They only had one shot at this, so they had to make it count. Not to mention stay on both Queen Dice and the Devil's good side. Relatively speaking, it shouldn't be too hard to get Dice and Devil together, they already both seemed to like each other a lot.

"Alright, so what do we know?" Cuphead asked.

"They laugh at each other's jokes like a couple of silly middle school girls." Mugma'am answered.

"Uh-Huh, and?"

"And they obviously like each other, but they seem too scared to to tell the other their feelings."

"Right. What else?"

"That's it..."

"That's it?! How're we supposed to work with that?" Cuphead asked, Mugma'am shrugging.

"We could ask them?"

"Mugsy, this is supposed to be a secret."

"No, like a secret interview."

"A secret interview..." Cuphead repeated, tapping her chin in thought. She then smiled. "Mugsy, you are a genius."


The girls took the elevator up a couple of levels, excited to get their plan in motion. After they opened the door, they quickly walked to the Devil's office, stopping short.
The door opened before they even got there, Queen Dice walking out with a goofy smile on her face. Upon seeing the girls, however, she went back to her neutral state. Quickly folding her hands behind her back, Dice tensed up before she even spoke;

"Ehm... Can I help you girls with something?" She smiled widely in attempt to hide the blush.

"Yeah, can we ask you something?" Cuphead asked.

"Sure, anything."

"Are you... Seeing anyone right now?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Queen Dice frowned and crossed her arms, scolding them as if they were small children. That same feared and wicked Queen Dice acting like a mother towards them could've gotten a laugh out of them- Had it not been for the circumstance.

"My love life should be of no concern to you! Now run along now and... Go do somethin' useful." Queen Dice waved them off before beginning to walk away.

"I think you laid it on a teensy but too thick there, sister. Lemme give it a go." Mugma'am caught up to Dice. "We didn't mean it in that way, Miss Dice." Mugma'am hurried along.

"Then what the Hell did you mean?"

"We're asking for... Someone else... You've gotta bunch of secret admirers, y'know?"

"I've gotta lot of secret and not-so-secret admirers." Dice rolled her eyes.

"Will you just answer the question?" Cuphead butted in, Mugma'am scowling at her for a moment.

"Uhm..." Queen Dice cleared her throat.

"What? Are you too scared to admit that you're in a relationship?"

"What?! NO! I'm not! I mean- I'm... " Dice sighed, gripping the bridge of her nose. "No. I'm not dating anyone at the moment... Although I wish I was..." She seemed to be reminiscent about something... Or maybe someone.

"You wish you were?" Mugma'am glanced at Cuphead for a moment.

"N- Not just anyone! It's... Someone... Rather special- Though I'm not even sure if the feeling is mutual... You know?" Queen Dice smiled awkwardly. "Sure she's pretty, and nice... When you get to know her... She's funny..." Dice stared at the floor, her smile softening to a frown. "But... Who's to say that she just keeps me around to humor her? Stickler always did compare me to a court jester..."

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