Meeting for the first time.

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I was visiting Japan for the first time because I was wanted to and my friend Bri invited me along with her to help her with something and she looked at me and said "hey Taylor? Sense your turning 21 tomorrow here do you want to go to a bar nearby and have some drinks?" I looked at her and said "yeah sure! But what are we going to do right now?" She said "we're getting to our apartment.. and putting our stuff in our rooms." I smiled as we walked to our apartment and put our stuff away and I said "wanna get food for supper?" And she said "yeah let's go!"

We went to a restaurant in the area and I looked around in the area and I saw a beautiful man with orange hair next to our table and I couldn't help but stare at him and when bri saw him to and she said "Taylor, are you ok?" I honestly couldn't hear her at first as I was staring at him, he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen and when he saw me staring he smirked at me, I looked away immediately and he said "hello! My name is Simon! What is your name?" I gulped and said "my n-name Is Taylor.." bri just smiled at us and she winked at me as she knew what I was thinking, simon said "I just want to ask something of you, can you help me take this picture?" I said "o-ok then.. gladly!" As he took my hand and took me to his table he got his camera up on his phone and said "ok let me get into position..." as he got into that pose I said "you ready?" He nodded and I took the picture I blushed as I took the picture and said "w-wow.. this is a good picture.." I handed his phone back to him and he said "yeah thank you so much... can I take a picture of you for you?" I said "yeah.. sure!" I handed him my phone after I got my camera up as well and said " I'm not really good at posing but I'll do my best.." as I placed my my hands on my face, he took the photo and said "wow.. pretty.." I blushed and said "thanks.." he handed my phone back to me and I sald "I am going to head back to my friend.. I hope to see you again simon..." he looked at me and said "i hope you see you to..." as I walked back to bri.

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