Chapter 3

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I was peacefully sleeping when somebody called me.

****On The Phone****

"Good Morning Baby" said someone from the other side.

"Good Morning my ass what do you want so early in the morning?"

"I miss you, don't you miss me?"


"Aye don't be like that baby"

"Stop calling me that and tell me what do you need" I grumbled rolling to the other side of the bed.

The person sighed from the other side and spoke again.

"I am coming back"

That was enough for me to open my eyes and sit straight.

"You are coming back? Why? And when?"

"Now don't be like that, It is my home as well so ofcourse I will come back. It's not like I was planning to be here forever."

"Okay so when are you coming back?"


"To...night like tonight?"

"Yes dumbass tonight, and why are you talking like that"

"Like what"

"Like.... Forget it. When are the elders coming back?"

"Don't know need to ask Bhabhi"

"You are good for nothing Avi"


"Time to go, Bye Baby"


I looked at the phone for a while then went inside my bathroom for my morning routine.

After getting ready I went towards the kitchen where I found Arya and Chaya who were talking about resisting or something.

"Who can't resist who?" I asked. "Oh today's breakfast is dosa and what are you wearing Arya?"

"So now you became blind too Avi Bhai?" She said.

This girl....sometimes I want to strangle her but then, if i do so Adi Bhai will strangle me with the same rope I will use for her so I can't do that for now.

"My eyes are well enough and I am certainly not blind. I was only asking because I have never seen you wearing something traditional except for Bhai and Chaya's wedding" I said taking out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

And it is true I never saw this girl wearing traditional outfits all she wears is western styled clothes.

"Well.... I have a dance performance in the college that is why I am wearing this otherwise...."

"Why? You look great in this I think you should wear suits more often" Chaya said and I looked towards her.

"Bhabhi I don't know....By the way you look gorgeous I am sure Bhai would be thinking about you only today". Arya said smiling towards Chaya and trust me she wasn't lying.

"By the way I didn't get my answer?" I said looking towards Arya.

"Nothing you should know Bhai" she said stepping out of the kitchen.

"This girl" I sighed while shaking my head. If only Adi Bhai was also going through this then he would have understood that this girl is a freaking bully.

"Do you need any help Chaya?" I asked Chaya who was looking at me and smiling.

"Naah you just go and sit I will bring the food"

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