Tieing up lose ends

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So I'ma run over the ending and everything that was going to happen in A for effort.

(Btw this is from memory so I might forget some details)

So trophy talks to Oj and whatever and it cuts to paintbrush talking to fan and test tube. Paintbrush tells them basically what happened with trophy and they don't believe them. Paint brush gets mad ofc and they believe them ((mainly just to calm them down))

As we see out of the room we see nickel Walk with box on his head having a one way talk with him. Box shows trophy the camera ((OH YEAH)) I forgot to mention that box recorded trophy when he was having a break down- :Liam smile:

So nickel sees it and dismisses the new info he learned basically being like (meh idrc)

Nickel takes box back to his and trophy's room as paper finds the camera they left behind. It cuts to trophy who is leave his room (he's not having a good day LOL L) Anyways he leaves and runs into nickel who talks shit to him. Being a dick to trophy he has enough and throws him against a wall. The cherries are A witness to this as they were passing by. Nickel yells at trophy and them trophy slam's the door shut.

He lays on his bed and scrolls on his phone looking at his profile page made by fan. Seeing all the comments about him (we get international thoughts from trophy pretty much saying how he should k*lol himself and no one would even notice) how nice :.)

We see him glance under his bed and reach for the knife.

Fun cut (again) to Oj opening the door to see mephone and mepad he welcomes them in and the final 4. They are all celebrating the anniversary of the show. Paint brush catches up with light bulb. And we see knife say hi to pickles. They have a small talk before baseball butts in commenting on how beat up nickel looks. Nickel says it's because of trophy they argue very shortly before getting interrupted by paper. It was dinner time, they all started to sit down till Cheesy noticed fahf trophy wasn't there. A a few people (cough cough, paint brush, test tube, fan cough cough) gave a weird look. Paper pulls cheesy to the side telling Cheesy about the video he saw. Cheesy is distraught, but paper calms him down assuring Cheesy that he is fine. Telling Cheesy he's probably still just mad about the whole nickel thing. They still head upstairs to check up on him. By the time they get to his room and open it however... They are shocked and fine trophy lying on the floor in a small pool of his blood. Paper calls for help. As cheesy runs to trophy cradling him in his arms. He cry's out wondering why trophy would do this.

We hear sirens as the police is called, trophy is pushed out the hotel on a stretcher. Some people (cough cough, salt and pepper) were recording. Most were just looking as the whole thing played out. As trophy was taken out nickel off handing says "wooow that was toootally necessary reaction" paintbrushes smacks him in the back of the head chewing him out about saying that. Baseball argues back and a whole argument breaks out. Suitcase surprisingly breaks up the fight as Oj takes over the talking. He tells everyone him and paper were going to go with the ambulance to keep an eye on trophy while soap keeps everyone in check while there gone. Cheesy begs to come along and with them and Oj begrudgingly allows Cheesy to tag along. They get to the car and drive off

Cheesy is having a mental crisis feeling like his job was to make people happy and laugh, feeling like he failed trophy. Oj trys to comfort cheesy but it doesn't help much. The silence is so loud as they reach the hospital.

They make it to where trophy's room is and meet up with his doctor. DOCTOR FIZZ BABYYYY 😎

*Ahem* anyways, DF tells them trophy lost a lot of blood but he's stable now, just he will probably need to be on su*c*de watch now.

But as this is happening we see trophy get out of his bed as start limping.

We cut back to the 4 of them as a cotton ball nurse whisper something to doctor fizz he tells them trio that trophy has left his room. They all look around to trophy but cheesy has a feeling he already knows where trophy went. He runs up the stairs and opens the door to find trophy on the room using his IV drip as crutch. Trophy asks why cheesy was here why he cared about him so much. Cheesy cry's about how he was the one who asked paintbrush to check up on him he was the one who asked box to keep an eye on him as his new roommate. He tried so hard to make trophy feel better, but trophy wouldn't even notice him. He felt like he didn't try hard enough but he just wanted trophy to not jump. Trophy was moved by his words and actions. Unfortunately as he trys to get odd the ledge he trips over one of the cords and falls. Cheesy cry's out as he runs over managing to grab into trophys hand. Trophy looks down seeing the IV drip hit the floor below him. A nurse burst through the door and helps cheesy pull trophy up. He holds onto trophy's and cry's into his arms trophy cry's back as they hug.


Trophy and Cheesy are roommates now ((mainly because cheesy was there to be a comfort and watch for trophy) they have a cute conversation about trophy maybe coming to his comedy show tonight. And it eeeeends

Yiipiee 😁

FINALLY this took forever for me to write out but y'all deserved to know the ending!!

Anyways I'ma go off and work on NSLN now bye bye

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