Chapter 5

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(Y/n) pov
I started to wake up to the feeling of being gently shook I whimper snuggling deeper into my pillows "co-me on princess time t-to w-wake u-uup" a soft voice stuttered out realising that one of the men from last night must have stated I slowly rub my eyes and open them I look up at the male who was standing over me he was tall with hug orange goggles on and a mouth guard he also had fluffy brown hair and wore a hoodie with black jeans
He carefully picked me up and put his hands under my thighs then he started walking to the kitchen I'm guessing? I let my head rest on his shoulder I nearly fell asleep again but the male kept ticking and twitching when we arrive at the door to the kitchen I hear somebody walking around I know I should be freaking out right now but I kinda liked what they did for me and how much attention they give me the man with the orange goggles who's name I found out to be Toby walked into the kitchen making the person who was pasting around come to a halt I felt myself being lifted off of Toby and onto somebody else I pulled away from their shoulders and made eye contact with a dirty blonde male who I knew was Brian I sigh and put my head back onto his shoulder upset that he'd taken me from Toby "aww hey princess did you miss me?" Brian asked I was afraid to make him mad he looks kinda scary but I only responded with "mhm" i snuggle into his shoulder againI heard the sound of my back door close and a strong smell of cigarettes entered the room I looked up once again and make eye contact with Tim this time he walked over to me and Brian Tim then took me off Brian at this point I felt like a toy being past around I wrap my legs around Tim's waist immediately and put my arms around his neck he used his left hand/arm to hold me up and his right hand to rub circles on my back "hey honey have you been ok where you a good girl for toby?" Before I could answer toby said "she w-was s-s-such a go-od girl l-last night s-she behaved a-an-and s-slept all n-night" toby sounded like he was extremely happy "that's good to hear" Tim says and pulls me back to kiss my forehead he then puts my head back on his shoulder and begins to walk to the living room he sat me down on the couch and said "ok kitten watch hello kitty while me and the other two talk okay?" Tim softly says as he plants a few kisses on my face "Otay daddy" I say softly in a cute voice they all look at each-other then Tim looked back at me "good girl for calling me daddy" he says planting another couple of kisses on my lips this time he pulls back and heads to the living room door and exited toby walks over to me and pulls his mouth guard down and kisses me on the lips too then he walks out Brian also repeated this process but before leaving he walks back over to the couch and places my pacifier in my mouth " tank chu daddy" i lisp around the pacifier he smiled again and kissed my forehead leaving to talk to the others..

(Brian/hoodie) pov
Tim toby and I all started to talk about taking her away...we want her only we can have her we were making a plan we already made a nursery for her we just need to take her I look through her cupboards getting out a sippy cup with my melody on it and got out some pancake mix once I made some pancakes for her I poured orange juice in her sippy cup I pass them over to toby and told him to feed her he walked out of the room to go to her.

(Toby) pov
I walked into the living room to see my precious little girl sat on the couch I sat down next to her and start to feed her pancakes Brian made her 3 but she only at 1 and a half I tried to get her to eat the rest but she didn't want it "ok-ay b-b-baby y-you drink th-is and I'm going t-t-to clean your d-dishes" I say as I wipe her mouth with my sleeve and hand her the bottle "tank chu dada" after she said that I was in absolute aweee but I had to go back to the others "Hm? Did she not like them?" Brian asks sounding a bit upset "s-she r-r-really liked th-em b-but s-s-she got full" I say blankly to him "hmm ok well Toby go back to the cabin and wait there for a big Brian and I are takin y/n to her new home tonight" Tim says smirking all the way through his sentence "ok call m-me when yo-ur on you-r-r way b-b-back"I say leaving to say bye to y/n I crouch down infront of my princess and kiss her goodbye in return she gives me a high five (-_-) I walk out the door and head to her room to get some of her stuffies for her nursery I then leave the house from her bedroom window because I'm amazing but then I headed to the cabin..

(Tim/masky) pov
I heard Toby leave through her window carrying a massive mountain of hello kitty and my melody stuffies I turn to Brian and give him a confused look he only shrugs in response that's when we heard the patter of feet down the hallway coming towards us it was y/n I sweetly smiled at her and picked her up bridal style "here sweet heart let's take you ti your room to get dressed ok?" I say softly she only nods in response Brian walked beside us to her room and only as I opened her bedroom door.....shit I remember Toby took her stuffies Brian and I both look at each-other and then our eyes slowly trail down to look at y/n who's eyes were wide and filled with tears right before she burst out into tears I ran and placed her on the bed Brian and I both surrounded the sobbing female trying to calm her down I ran around trying to find away to calm her down but Brian sat next to her rubbing her back she pushed his hand away clearly getting annoyed  he tried again but she shoved him back more aggressively this time Brian just looked at her in shock and walked over to me "Tim I think we gotta do it like right now" Brian whispered to me I knew what he was on about and I slowly took the shot out of my jacket pocket and hid it behind me Brian went behind the female and held her tight and still well still enough so I can inject her arm she immediately yelled in pain as more tears pored down her face "shhh shhh it's over now it's over" Brian let go of her so she was able to sit up  about 30seconds after that I held out my arms and her sitting figure slumped down into my arms with her eyes closed hoodie and I put our masks on and decided it was for the best we started walking out the house but first hoodie grabbed her pacifier from the living room
-time skip-
As we started walking away from her house we decided maybe we should take her parents car I mean after all they are on a "business trip" meaning me and hoodie sorta offed them I grab the keys and unlock the car door gently placing y/n in the back seat led down I got into the drivers seat and hoodie was in the passenger seat we started driving a longer route to the cabin while y/n was still asleep walking would've been 2 and a half hours but in a car it's 3hours because of the route that shot I gave her only last for an hour and a half let's hope we get there quick....

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