Chapter 4

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I opened the door and saw him.

Was I expecting him to be here? No. Why? Because we have been avoiding each other for so long that I even forgot about him. But here he is again. Standing infront of me and his blue eyes looking at me.

I mean i knew we will meet each other again but today? Naah

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I mean i knew we will meet each other again but today? Naah. That's not what I imagined.
Okay Chaya calm down it's fine. This is his house also he can come here whenever he wants.

Breathe in and Breathe out. Repeat.

"Are you okay?" he asked

I smiled a little and nodded my head.

"G-get inside" why did I stutter. Gosh.

After he got inside I closed the door.

"Are you really okay Bhabhi...I mean you are sweating" How did he know that I was sweating because the power came back when I opened the door. Great timing isn't it?

"Ah yeah it's just I came running from my room to open the doors maybe that's why I am sweating" I said wiping my neck with the end of my saree.

"You didn't tell anyone that you were coming" it feels like I am accusing him.

He looked at me then sat on the couch and said "I told Advik didn't he tell you or Bhai?"

"Uhh not actually... I will bring you some water" I rushed towards the kitchen after saying that.
Let's behave like a real bhabhi Chaya and not make things more awkward.

After filling a glass of water I took and went back to where he was and give it to him.

"Should I prepare something for you to eat?" I asked.

"Na. I ate on the plane. By the way where are the others?"

"Arya is on the way she was with her friends, Aditya and Advik are-"

Before I could complete the sentence the doorbell rang.

"I will see who is it" must be Arya I thought going towards the door. When I opened the door it wasn't Arya but it was her another brother aka my pati dev.

Wait. Didn't he say he would not come home tonight?

"Would let me come inside or not?"

"Oh yeah sorry sorry" I was about to close the door again when somebody came running.

"Thanks" he said and went inside.

I looked around one last time before closing the door and getting inside.

I was on my way to the kitchen when Advik said "Kaha jaa rahe ho Bhabhi?"

"Paani laane" I replied.

"Oh okay"

I brought two more glasses of water and gave the brothers. Then I sat on the sofa beside Aditya.

"When did you come back?" Aditya asked looking at Ashutosh. "And why didn't you tell anyone about your arrival?"

Ashutosh looked at his watch and replied " It's been 23 minutes I reached home and to answer your other question I told Advik. Right baby" he said the last part looking towards Advik.

Advik was about to say something when the bell rang again.

"I-I will get it" I said and stood up from the sofa. And went towards the door.

This chapter is a little short i know but the next one will be longer.

I am actually a little skeptical about this so I might change it later.

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