In A Rush

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"Babe, have you seen my other shoe?"

Lauren heard Camila shout from the closet, looking for the other pair of her white sneakers. They've been busy getting ready since they woke up a bit later than their alarm. She puckered her lips, checking her make up in the mirror and took a glance on her girlfriend. She quickly took sight of the missing item near the closet.

"It's beside your guitar case, Camz." Lauren shouted back, taking a last look at the mirror to fix her hair.

The older girl went rushing inside the room to fix her bag by her bed, running into the younger brunette that almost tripped while trying to get across the room hopping with one foot down and tying the lace of the other shoe that she just got to fit on her foot. The raven-haired girl quickly wrapped her arms around Camila's waist, steadying the clumsy girl.

"Oops. Sorry!" Camila huffed and continued tying her shoe laces.

"Already tied?" They stood still in the middle of the room for a second.

"Almost there." Camila stuck her tongue out between her lips.

"All done!" She pat Lauren's back as she put her other foot down.

They instantly let go of each other and went back to circling around their apartment; the brunette rushing out of their bedroom. Not long after, Camila heard a loud thud from the room and stopped in her tracks. She heard her girlfriend groan which made her turn her head to the other side of the hall.

"Lo, what happened?!"

"Nothing! I just went spiderman-mode and tried to catch my phone! I'm fine though!"

"You sure?" Worry was evident in her voice.

"Yeah. Thanks Camz!" She sighed in relief.

The younger of the two nodded to herself and went to the kitchen to grab her notebooks. She stuffed them inside her bag and went to the counter to grab a banana. She also grabbed the sandwiches she made earlier for the two of them to eat later for snack.

She saw Lauren stand at the bedroom's doorway from her peripheral vision, putting her black heels on. Camila took a last big bite from her banana and threw the peel to the bin.

"Camz, did you see my blazer? I remember taking it out from the closet earlier and I forgot where I put it."

"You put it on the couch in the living room." She answered with her mouth full, holding the sandwiches in front of her. Lauren looked up and frowned at the muffled answer that was barely understandable. She had a smile on her lips as she saw the face of Camila, chewing fast and looking straight back at her with an adorable expression.

"Chew slowly, monkey. You might choke." She shook her head and stiffled a giggle.

In A Rush (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now