The End of the Affair

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 Atlas Mikaelson woke up from his slumber to see his twin sister hovering over him

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Atlas Mikaelson woke up from his slumber to see his twin sister hovering over him. "Took you long enough. I see that bloody bastard daggered you too" Rebekah grumbled.

Atlas climbs out of his coffin and looks at her "Well one of us gets daggered the other one does too. It's just how he rolls." He looks around before saying "Where the bloody hell is he anyway" His accent coming out thick.

"I don't know he wasn't here when I woke." It goes quiet for a while before Rebekah asks "How long so you think it has been?"

"I don't know, All I know is that I'm starving and annoyed" he grumbled. Klaus hated it when his siblings would find something for them to enjoy without him so he would just take it away. Some part of Atlas wishes he could be rid of his brother but no matter what he just couldn't go through with hurting Niklaus. Even after continuing to destroy his life as well as his siblings lives.

He walks over to Kol's coffin before opening it. Kol was one his favorite. They always have had a special bond. They grew up learning magic together and bonding through witchcraft. Although atlas had no magic of his own, Kol would always find ways so he could still do magic.

Atlas looks at the dagger inside of his brother's chest. he goes to take it out when a hand catches his. He looks up and see his sister "Don't Atlas, you know what Nik will do."

He glances back at Kol before removing his hand from the dagger. "I'm hungry. I'm going to find something to eat."

"There's a guard right over there." she points over to the man who is standing guard.

Atlas nods before rushing towards the man and draining him dry. The guards body goes limp and Atlas drops his body on the ground.
Wiping the blood off his mouth he looks over at his sister "I guess we are waiting for Nik to get back."

Klaus walks up to Atlas and Rebekah's coffin to see them empty, he looks up and sees the two dead guards "Rebekah, Atlas...It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Rebekah rushes at Klaus and stabs him with the dagger "Go to hell, Nik!" she yells at Klaus as Atlas comes out in the open.

flashback 1920

The three Mikaelson sibling's are standing around the car getting ready to run from their father. Klaus looks over to Rebekah to see she is not moving and looking around "Hurry up, Rebekah. Let's go!"

Rebekah looks over at him "He'll be here any second."

"Do you want to die? We've been found. We need to move." Klaus says.

"Not without Stefan." She says stubbornly.

"Rebekah we need to go please, just leave him" Atlas pleads, scared of their father. She shakes her head and he sighs.

"Stefan's not coming. We have to disappear. He'll draw too much attention. Let him go." Klaus tells her.

She looked at him again "What did you do?"

Klaus grabs her arm "Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums."

Rebekah shakes his hand off of her "I don't want to run anymore, Nik! All we do is run. I want to be with Stefan."

"Fine. Then choose. Him or me." he demands. She doesn't speak. Taking that as his answer he says "That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go." While walking to the truck.

"Good-bye, Nik." Rebekah says. Klaus stops, she turns away from him but he rushes over and drives a dagger through her chest.

Atlas who has been mainly quiet for this whole argument looks between his older brother and his twin. Klaus then turns to him holding another dagger. Atlas looks up at him with fear in his eyes at the thought of being daggered again. "Nik please don't. Please" he pleads.

Klaus starts walking closer holding the dagger up, ready to stab him. Atlas mutters a spell giving Klaus a aneurysm before trying to run. But it comes to no avail as Klaus vamp speeds in front of him stabbing him in the heart. "I'm sorry" Klaus mutters an apology.

"No, your not" Atlas mutters quietly before he desiccates.

flashback over

Klaus takes the dagger out of his chest and drops it on the ground "Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me."

"Yeah but she was hoping it hurt more." Atlas states bitterly as he walks closer to them. "Ossox" he mutters a spell breaking Klaus's leg. Klaus falls to the floor and screams in pain then snaps his leg back in place "Kinda like that."

Klaus looks over at the twin's with a glare "I understand that you're both upset with me. So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering. You can come in."

"How thoughtful of you, Nik." Atlas says sarcastically while glaring at Klaus.

Stefan Salvatore then walks in. "Stefan" Rebekah whispers quietly.

Klaus gets closer to Stefan then compels him to remembers his time with the three Mikaelson's in the 1920's.

He looks at Rebekah then Atlas then Rebekah again whispering he says "Rebekah... Atlas."

Klaus then calls Stefan's name taking his attention away from Rebekah.

"Really Nik, you ruined their moment. Are you jealous? Is it because you like Stefan and won't admit it. You know you and Stefan seemed to have more sexual tension then him and Bekah" Atlas says while smirking. All three of them shoot a deadly glare at him and he chuckles clearly amused.

"I remember you two. We all were friends." Stefan says to Klaus and Atlas.

"We are friends." Klaus and Atlas reply  at the same time. They give each other weird looks. "Lets not do that again" Atlas grumbled.

Klaus then looks at Rebekah. "And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

"The original witch?" Atlas asks curiously.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus questions Rebekah.

She touches her neck but realizes her necklace is missing. "Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!" Rebekah says frantically "Atlas, do you have it?" she questions her twin.

Atlas looks at his sister shaking his head. Having no clue of where could the necklace could be.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it." Klaus tells her.

"We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back!" Rebekah yells at him.

Klaus grabs on to her "Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!" He yells in her face.

Atlas rushes over snatching Klaus's hands off of his twin while glaring at him "Leave her be Nik! It is clear she is upset and all you care about is yourself and your selfish needs." Rebekah then rushes over to her coffin looking frantically for the necklace then flips it and goes and does the same to her brother's coffin.


A/N- Sorry for it being so short.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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