She looks Like Fun

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 She Looks Like Fun

As soon as I booked the holiday to Alto Verde, I'd wondered what I'd done. Maybe I'd got a bit confused. When it said a holiday for single women, I thought there would be no men there. I'd have rather gave gone somewhere without men – I saw enough of them in my day to day life.

I arrived, and was blindfolded for the journey to the resort. It reminded me of a client I once had who was an MP and he didn't want me to know where he lived, so every time I went there, his chauffer would blindfold me. I never expected to experience it on holiday, but when you do what I do for a living, nothing really phases you any more.

The place was strange, like a weird exhibit in Las Vegas. The Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino, where I would be staying, was in lush, tropical grounds. Up the road the Cornerstone was on like something resembling a Wild West movie set. Matt drove off to the hotel, with my bags, and I went on into the saloon.

That was when things got really weird. At first all seemed fine. The place was pretty empty, but it was the middle of the afternoon. At the bar stood four men chatting. I clocked they were all the same height, and had the same dark hair, but that didn't mean a first.

The first one to notice me was a young guy with quite long, thick hair, tucked behind his ears. He was pretty like a girl. He sort of smile shyly, then said something to the guy behind the bar. He looked just like the first guy, except he was older and stockier and more rugged, with shorter hair and a beard. Suddenly one of other ones standing at the bar sprung to life and he walked towards me. He had the same face, but his hair was shorter and fluffier. He was actually quite beautiful, with his big brown eyes and pouty lips. And his body in his tight white vest was something else.... I wished more of my clients looked like that.

"Ellie?" he smiled, his dark eyes twinkling

"Yes. Where do I check in?"

"Don't worry about that, sweetheart. I'm Babydoll. Now, just sit down. What can I get you?"

"Rum and coke please."

"I'm guessing dark rum....?"

"You guess right."

He went back to the bar, and I realised the fourth man was a young who had a baby version of the same face. They must have all been brothers. I caught the one with the longer hair looked at me again, and I caught his eye, he shyly looked away. A virgin. I could tell one a mile off. At that point I felt so jaded. It was like I knew everything about men and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. I was only thirty two.

Babydoll came back over with my drink and sat down. By his mannerisms, I wondered if he was gay. The most beautiful men usually were. Gay or complete narcissists.

"So what brings you to Alto Verde?" he asked

I sipped my drink. It was the sweetest rum and coke I had ever tasted. But it was delicious and I drank it pretty much all down at once.

"I got a bit confused. I thought it was just going to be women here."

He raised his eyebrow.

"You like women?"

"No! Well yeah, course I like women, but not in that way. I've dabbled, but I like men." Babydoll was certainly easy to talk to. I felt as though I could tell him my life story, and he would understand.

"It's my job....I'm a sort of sex therapist. My life is about doing things that please men. I just wanted somewhere men free. But I don't mind being here now...I'm sorry, but are you all brothers?"

"No questions, remember," Babydoll laughed.

"Sorry, of course."

"So you're a sex therapist who just deals with men?" Babydoll nodded. It was clear he didn't believe me."

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