Chapter 1: A Stranger in Chains

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Her eyes slowly opened, only to find herself bound by heavy chains. A dull ache pulsed in the back of her head, making it difficult to gather her thoughts. Her eyes roamed around the dimly lit room, slowly adjusting to the light. Her gaze fell upon the small window to her right, teasing her by remaining just out of sight. She could see the light coming from the window and if she really strained her neck, she could almost see the window sill. The air inside the room was oppressively humid, causing her hair to coil at the nape of her neck.

Beads of sweat dotted her skin, glistening against her brown complexion, while her limbs remained firmly secured by heavy cuffs. The stark red color of the metal contrasted sharply against her skin. Thankfully, the restraints didn't chafe her wrists, although they were snug enough to prevent her hands from slipping out. The bracelets clearly designed to fit her perfectly, must have been made by a craftsman just for her. As cuffs do not usually come in this size. What must she have done to receive such carefully designed bonds.

As she examined her bonds, she noticed peculiar symbols painted on the bracelets, tantalizingly familiar yet frustratingly out of reach to decipher. She felt deeply as if she knew this information but the symbols meant nothing to her.

It wasn't until she attempted to shift her position that the full extent of her captivity became evident. Copper bracelets adorned her hands and feet, while beaded chains wound tightly around her waist and neck. Strands of pearl chains, beautiful but unnaturally heavy. As if designed to weigh her to the ground. Weighing heavily upon her abdomen. She tried to imagine herself to an outside observer, embarrassingly she must look like a bird in a very exquisite cage.

An overwhelming sense of anger surged within her as she surveyed her surroundings. Her focus shifted from her restraints to the confines of the room itself. The weathered brick walls, the dim illumination, and the pervasive dust evoked a visceral feeling of wretchedness deep in her gut. Enveloped by chains and consumed by her own fury, she struggled to recall why she found herself in this predicament. She knew something was gravely amiss, but the answers remained frustratingly out of reach, as if someone were deliberately keeping her memories at bay. She was both figuratively and literally bound, her own mind closed off to her.

"Who was she?" she wondered aloud, her voice a whisper that hung in the air, seeking an answer that eluded her. It was a simple question, one that should have had an immediate response. Yet, her own identity slipped through her fingers, like a fragile dream upon waking.

Time stretched on continuously as she wrestled with her thoughts, the fading light from the window slowly turning into pitch darkness within her room. Straining against her own mind, she tried to reclaim the sanctity of her own memories.

Finally, a memory flickered to life, as if someone were leading her through her own recollection. It emerged slowly, like a scene unveiled before her eyes with vivid clarity. She found herself in a ballroom covered in gold and gemstones. Dancing with a man who towered over her, she noticed a flicker of mirth in his eyes, seemingly amused by something she had said. Yet, her own expression was clearly affronted and offended by his laughter. Suddenly, his laughter ceased, and his grip tightened around her with a painful force. The man's gaze held a twisted satisfaction, finding joy in the pain he inflicted upon her.

The memory abruptly ended there, leaving her with a fragment of her past, an initial glimpse into her own story. It was disheartening that the first memory she managed to grasp involved a man who made her feel small and insignificant. The fiery rage that had consumed her moments ago gradually dimmed, giving way to a profound sense of embarrassment. Why was she dancing with him? Who was he? These questions burned within her, demanding answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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