Chapter 3 [The Bus Ride PT.2]

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Stan's POV

Can people NOT YELL??? IT'S SO FUCKING LOUD IN THIS BUS 'KIDS!' Everything went silent 'What did I tell you about being loud?? Shut up or I'm kicking you off the bus. ' for the first time I'm actually thankful for Mr. Garrison 'You can't kick us off the bus that's illegal' Cartman said in his annoying voice 'Zip it fatass' Kyle said with an angry/annoyed tone 'whatever Jewww' Cartman said back stretching the last part 'you-' "Kyle he isn't worth it, I promise. " I interrupt him from yelling at Cartman 'you're... You're right, I'm not gonna give him the attention' Kyle said looking out the window.

UGHHH "Kyyyy I'm boreedddd" I say, honestly I haven't been this bored in a while 'well what do you want me to do? We still have 2 hours to drive' Kyle replies in a calm voice "I don't knowwww.... OH! Do you have games on your phone? " That makes me sound like a child but I'm just really REALLY bored small chuckle 'No, I don't have game on my phone sorry to disappoint' I sigh as a reply 'Do you want to listen to music with me? ' my eyes lit up "Yeah that sounds fun! " I sit in a more comfortable position aka just sitting up but getting a bit closer to Kyle so the earbuds would be comfortable 'what songs do you like? ' Kyle asks "Oh you can choose I don't mind" 'Alright then' as were listening to music I can feel myself driffting back to sleep I try staying awake but then I feel someone on my shoulder it was Kyle. He fell asleep on my shoulder awhh he looks so cute and peaceful I just wish he knew how much he ment to me and how much I love him, I look out the window before falling asleep next to Kyle.

No ones POV
[Just want to add some extra/bonus story aka what the others are doing while their asleep]

Cartman is sitting next to no one because no one wanted to sit next to him. "You guys suck" He thought while eating his cheesy puffs and watching random videos on YouTube. Next to Eric are Tolkien and Jimmy, they are really calm and don't cause a lot of trouble of course Jimmy has been telling his jokes to Tolkien almost the whole ride and Tolkien isn't that happy about it but being the mom friend he is he just deals with it and tries not to fall asleep.

Behind Cartman are Wendy and Heidi their not too loud they just flirt a lot which Cartman does not like 'Can you gays stop? You are so annoying' he whines annoyingly "oh shut up fatass " Wendy looks at him with anger "You're just jealous I'm with your ex girlfriend and she actually likes my company AND I treat her better than you ever could. " Wendy snaps Heidi just looks at her lovingly and hugs her while giving her a small peck on the cheek 'whatever ' Eric mumbles but loud enough for them to hear. Next to Wendy and Heidi are Red and Nelly they didn't really know each other but after talking a bit they become instant besties they found out they have a lot of things in common like they both like art and they both know they can beat the boys asses even if they're girls "I know right?! Like why does the art teacher suck so bad" Nelly says with a slight anger in her voice 'YEAH! Art is really cool but the teacher does nothing to help others sigh I guess there's nothing we can do' Red says with sadness in her voice, other than  being angry or sad at things they are getting along really well!

Behind Wendy and Heidi are Kenny and Butters they also have been flirting most of the time but they also chat a lot with Wendy and Heidi an interesting group combo but surprisingly they get along well, Butters is currently asleep on Kennys shoulder while Kenny himself is just listening to music and looking out the window. Next to them are Bebe and Clyde their not too noisy but sometimes Bebe gets really excited about a new product she found online or about a Twitter/Instagram post so she occasionally screams "OMG! " And "NO WAY!! LOOK! " And shows her phone to Clyde, he doesn't mind he likes seeing his girlfriend happy if Bebe is happy because of new shoes then Clyde is happy about new shoes. Babe has been posting a lot on social media but she also hasn't forgotten to chat with Clyde and take breaks from posting.

Of course we have Stan and Kyle behind Kenny and Butters currently they are sleeping but for most of the trip they just talked about random things and playing a lot of "would you rather? ". Next to them is Tweek and Craig, Craig has been calming Tweek down a lot cause he's worried about the trip " WHAT IF SOMEONE T-TRIES TO GET ME IN M-MY SLEEP?? AGH! " Tweek panicked 'It's gonna be okay honey, no one is going to come near our tent and if they do I'll punch them and protect you! Alright sweetheart? ' Craig being the awesome boyfriend he is calmed down Tweek "Y-Yeah" Craig gives Tweek a kiss and holds him close, they decide to watch some YouTube videos to take their mind off the trip.

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