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I've read a few JJ/Rudy jealous imagines so thought I'd try one myself.

Some context: They're filming Season 4 and JJ discovers he's got a long lost sister called Julia, and Rudy is asked to show her around set etc. Elaine gets jealous and insecure because of how pretty she is etc.

This chapter is Rudy reassuring Elaine she's the only girl for him.

This chapter contains steamy scenes.

Imagine the song says she and not him lol! It fits the chapter better.

This is all in Elaine's POV.


"Ru, stop it." I giggle at my boyfriend of 2 and a half years, whose arms were currently wrapped around my waist as we head to the set for Outerbanks Season 4.

He was really clingy and cuddly today which I absolutely adore.
He was currently kissing my neck whilst heading to his trailer. "Babe, you need to stop," I giggle. "I need to get set up."
"I already asked for your stuff to be put in my trailer. You're not leaving." He smirks.
"You're really clingy today, why?" I ask, running a hand through his hair.
"I just love you, thats why." God, he's so damn sweet.
"Ru," I pout. "Why are you so cute?" I gush.
He just shrugs, before smiling. "We're not needed on set for about an hour." He raises a brow.
"What are you suggesting, Pankow?" I smirk.
"I think you know, Siemek." He winks.
I blush, before stepping closer and kissing him.
He pulls me as close as he possibly can, the kiss getting heated, as his hand travels up my shirt.


"Damn," He breathes, catching his breath. "That's a first." He chuckles.
"What? Sex in your trailer?" I giggle.
"Yep." He chuckles.
"That's why you were so clingy this morning, you were horny and trying to hide it." I smirk.
"You complaining, Siemek?" He smirks.
"Oh definitely not." I reply, biting my lip.
"Rudy? You in here? You're needed in hair and makeup." Chase calls, knocking on the door.
"Yeah, dude, give me 5 minutes."


"It's about time. Where have you been?" Madelyn Cline asks.
"Nowhere. Rudy and I. We, um, lost track of time." I reply, trying to hide my blush.
"Lost track of time, did you?!" She smirks. "No wonder he was all flustered in the makeup chair."
I blush. "You two are so adorable together." She smiles.
"Thanks," I smile but then I suddenly frown when I see a blonde I don't recognise talking to Rudy. "Who's that?"

"Oh that's Chloe, the new girl

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"Oh that's Chloe, the new girl. She's playing JJ's long lost sister."

I have no idea why, and I've never felt like this before, but I was jealous. Seeing her stood, laughing and talking to my boyfriend made me jealous. "Chloe?" I say her name like venom, like she's poisonous.
Stop, Elaine, this isn't you.
"Elaine? Are you OK?" Madelyn asks.
I nod. Ignoring her, I walk over to Chloe and Rudy. I wrap my arms around his waist, and kiss his shoulder. "Hi, baby." I say.
"Hi, beautiful." He replies, smiling, kissing my lips.
"Chloe this is my girlfriend, Elaine. Elaine this is Chloe, she's playing my sister."

I swear to God if looks could kill, I'd be dead. Chloe was NOT happy that he wasn't single.
"Hi Chloe, nice to meet you. Welcome to the OBX family." I fake smile.
"Um, thanks," She cocks a brow. "Nice to meet you, too. I didn't know Rudy had a girlfriend. Is this new?"
"Nope, we've been together 2 and a half years." I reply proudly.
"Oh," She seemed surprised. "I've been following Rudy on Instagram and I've not seen any pictures of you on it." She smirks. Lies.
This bitch. Rudy can see the look on my face so speaks up. "She's there. We keep our relationship very private. Not that it's any of your business. But we post a lot of couple content. I posted one recently from our little trip away." He says proudly, wrapping his arms around me. He could see I was jealous from my body language. He knows me too well.
He whispers in my ear: 'she's just a co-star, I love you.' And rubs my arm.
I mouth 'I love you, too.' And kiss his lips much to Chloe's dismay.


"What was that all about before? With Rudy and Chloe?" JD asks once we'd finished the final scene of the day.
"You saw that, huh?" I giggle nervously.
"Yeah, we all did. Were you jealous?" He chuckles.
"Yeah and I don't know why. I've never been the jealous type before. There was just something about her that made me mad, jealous and insecure all at once." I admit.
"Babe," I jump at Rudy's voice. "You don't need to be jealous."
"I know. I never have been before, there was just something about her that made me feel insecure. Like, she's beautiful, and I was scared that because you'll be spending a lot of time with her, you'll fall for her and leave me. No one has ever made me feel the way you do, Ru, and it scares me. It scares me how in love I am, how much I want to be around you. How happy you make me. You're it for me, Ru, there's no one else." I rambled on.
"Hey," He takes my hands in his and looks me right in the eyes. "Baby, there is no one else for me. You're my biggest supporter. My better half, my best friend and the love of my life. There is no one else I want to experience all these adventures with. You're the person who's last name I want to change, the person who I want to mother my children. Elaine Siemek I'm gonna fucking marry you one day."
I don't say a word, I just pull him to me and kiss him.
"I fucking love you." He mumbles against my lips.
"I love you, too." I mumble back.
"Dude," We both pull away as we look at Chase. "Make an honest woman out of her." He chuckles.
We both look at each other. "What do you say, shall we get married?" Rudy asks, getting down on one knee, and holds out a ring box. I gasp and cover my mouth. Is this really happening? "Elaine Siemek, I cannot imagine my life without you in it, so will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks, smiling from ear to ear.
"Oh my God," I whisper. "Rudy, are you serious?" He nods. "I cannot imagine my life without in it, either," I sniff. "Yes. A thousand times yes." He jumps up, picks me up and spins me round, before putting me back down and placing the ring on my finger.

" He jumps up, picks me up and spins me round, before putting me back down and placing the ring on my finger

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"It's beautiful, I love it. And I love you." I reply in a whisper.
"The most beautiful ring for the most beautiful woman," He gushes, kissing me.
"And I love you, too."
"Shall we get out of here?" I mumble.
He nods, smirking.


"Ru," I whisper. He looks at me. "I'm really horny."
"Yeah?" I nod. "Then let me help you." He smirks.

He lifts me up and carries me to our bedroom and throws me down on the bed, lifting my top off.

He pulls my trousers down with his teeth, before looking at me. "Tell me what you want." He growls
"I want you to fuck me so hard, the neighbours will hear." I reply.
"With pleasure." He smirks, his lips dangerously close to my area.
"Rudy," I breathe. "Go down on me." I finish, getting impatient.
He nods, smirking.


"Shit. I'm sorry for the noises." I blush.
"I'm not," He smirks. "Do you think you can manage some more, or are you done?"
"No, I can manage some more." I giggle.

He smirks before continuing.

Yeah, our neighbours definitely heard. But I didn't care. I was getting married to the love of my life.

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