Bump Love

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Its the first day of school and you're still dozing off of your bed.

" Yah! Lee Joo Hyo! You better get up right now its the freaking first day of school!!!

Get up now or else I'm going to pour a hot water on your face!" your mom shouted making you flinch and get up on your bed.

" Yeah! Yeah! Im going to take a bath now mom! Okay!" you spat back to your mom while heding to the bathroom.

You took a bath and eat your breakfast that your mom prepared for you, after that you brush your teeth and went to school.

(While walking at the school gates)

"Hey! Jooiee yah~ " your friend Haerin waved at you at the school gates.

" Yo! Wassup!?" you answered back.

" Have you heard about the new guys? I heard some girls talkin and they said they're handsome" Haerin said cool(ly?)

" I really haven't heard about them" you said not that interested.

" Ah~ well anyway, lets get going its 6:25am now and we need to find where our section is." Haerin said in-a-matter-of-fact tone.

While you and Haerin are walking on the hallway. The girls suddenly shouted more like squealing. Kyaahs and OMGs were heard at the hallway.

" Whats the commotion about?" you asked the girl that suddenly bumped you while she is running.

"oh! Joo Hyo sunbaenim! mianhaeyo~ the new 4 handsome new boys are in the hallway! gotta go sunbae! kyaahh!" she ran eagerly to catch up the phase of the other girls running.

"lets just get to our business Jooiee" haerin said uninterested to the boys and the squealings.

"yep! we better go! come on!" you said dragging haerin to go find your classroom.

While running on the hallway, you and haerin had accidentaly bumped onto someone and literally you fell on the floor because of the impact. As you gather yourself up, you found a tall guy towering above you.

"Aw! can you watch where you're going?!" you heard a deep voice complaining .

"We're really sorry.. We didn't really know that you guys are on our way." you said not even a single bit of guilt in your voice.

"you better be! " He said kinda irritated from the way you responded to him.

From the first minute that i saw his face i can tell that he's really Handsome and gosh his deep voice.. But then it all crash .. He's a jerk. A handsome Jerk! you thought to yourself .

" Suit yourself Mister! ,,, Come on Haerin we don't need to waste our time to say sorry to that jerk." you and haerin head to your classroom and sit on your proper seat.

" Oh look who we have here the girl who bumped me earlier and even called me a jerk."

Your head perked up and saw the handsome jerk

(So we're on the same class good very not good. Arghh!) you thought to yourself.

You just ignored the Handsome Jerk, After 12344678 hours of bothering you, you still ignored and just keep yourself calm.

"Yah! Dont you even dare to ignore me!"

"Are you even listening?"

"can i ask you something?"

"hey hey hey!"

So thats how you survived his stupidity. At last class is over and and you head onto your lockers. As you were opening your locker, a paper suddenly fell. It reads Hey! You're so Stupid you know that. All i want is to ask you on a date. and you just ignored me.. Pabo! -Chanyeol. You really don't know who's the Chanyeol guy but you proceed on shoving your books inside the locker. When you close your locker the Handsome Jerk is just pop out if nowhere.

"Yah! what are you doing here.!" you said angrily

"I just wanna tell you that I am Chanyeol. So can you go out on a date with me?" He said calmly and half sincerely.

"woah! Whats with you? Did you eat anything? You be-" He cuts off your senten ce

"I just fell. And I don't know what did you do to me.. Maybe its love at first sight? or more like bump at first sight.. So can you go out with me Lee Joo Hyo?" He said looking sincerely into your eyes as he leaned closer and closer and read your name tag and KISSED YOUR FOREHEAD!!!!


HEY CHINGUS~!!!! so its my one shot hope you liked it .... actually this is four chapters and im gonna update soon.... please give lots of love thank you !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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