V1 E15: Trying to find Alex...and Blake

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General POV

Team ARAE were in their dorm trying to snap Alex back into his normal state, RWBY and JNPR were in the cafeteria dealing with CRDL.

Andy: "C'mon Alex, please just tell us why you're acting like this." he begged.

Artemis: "Silly, I've already told you, my name is Artemis." she giggled, "I have no clue who this Alex person is.~"

Andy groaned having gone through this exact sequence 20 times, Roy was in bandages having tried to slap Alex back while Eris was sulking in her bunk.

Currently Artemis was playing with a Butcher's Knife she got from the kitchen and Andy was continuing to play diplomatic.

Andy: "Can you please try to get Alex back on the phone." he begged, trying something else.

Artemis: "Again, no idea who he is so no can do.~" she sang, "Now, where can I get more blood?"

Andy sighed reluctantly pointing towards Team RWBY's dorm.

Andy: "Weiss should have some to spare, you can ransack her luggage and stuff for it." he replied.

Artemis had a mini celebration before bolting away. Andy collapsed into bed, exhausted.

Andy: "If that was what politics is I want no part in it..." he groaned.

Eris: "We all hate this stuff up at Atlas too...." she added.

Roy: "Tch, the way Dragons solve everythin' is by beatin' the shit out of each other so politics is bullshit te us." she said from timeout, "Righ' Toothless?"

Toothless was also present, Andy having flown for a few hours before starting to deal with Artemis.

Toothless: "I will admit fighting for political positions is better than voting." he said.

Andy: "I'll head to the cafeteria." he sighed, "I'm getting hungry..."

Roy: "We'll meet ya back 'ere, hopefully we break through to Alex soon." she responded, "I can't take much more of Artemis..."

Andy got up and made his way out of the dorm and towards the cafeteria. About 10 minutes out from the cafeteria Ruby slammed into him.

Andy: "Woah!" he yelped.

Ruby: "SorryLuckyAcan'tstopneedtofindCFVY!!" she yelled in a rush.

Ruby then sped off again. A beat of silence reigned before Andy snapped out of it.

Andy: "What?" he asked.

Andy activated OFA Full Cowling and chased after Ruby.

Andy: "What's going on Rubes?" he asked.

Ruby: "There's a fight in the cafeteria! Weiss and Cardin are teaming up against our team! Help them and buy me time!" she replied.

Andy: "On it!" he saluted.

Andy performed a 180 and shot towards the cafeteria, to aid in his efforts he used a Speed II potion from Minecraft...and then another one...and then another one, reenacting Blue in the latest Alan Becker short.

In the cafeteria Weiss was spouting her racist nonsense, Cardin was backing her up, Blake was being pissed, Jaune and Ren were keeping Nora out of fighting all of them, Yang was trying to diffuse tensions, and Pyrrha was joining the fight.

Weiss: "Tch, simpletons." she scoffed, Yang having jumped in earlier, "These are some of the most nuanced positions possible and you don't even understand them."

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