Chapter 6 plan

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Arent we there yet?i asked since his been driving for the pat 10 minutes
Just a few more minutes
10 minutes later
Where here maam.he then went out the car and opened mine
Good morning lady becca your grandmother is waiting please follow me.the maids then took my things as i went to follow them
Lady grandmother,the lady becca have arrived
Good morning khunya.i said and bowed
You came,have a sit.she responded while sipping tea as i sat next to her
Im your mothers grandmother,freens mother.
Hm?she really did not tell you.she said and laughed gently while sipping her tea
Im sorry?
Oh well i called you here for a reason,ive noticed that my health is starting to get weaker and weaker so I decided to find you.
What about me?
My fortune,the fortune freen left me before she passed away,because of loneliness,depression,and mental illness.
I have decided that you,her only grandchild shall take my place under one condition.
Someone entered and sat infront of me,
Good morning khunya.they responded
Who are they?i asked
This is lady nung,my sisters child,her husband sir rhon your uncle.
Ok then what about them?i asked
I would like you to merry their child
You mean my cousin?!i panic
Oh no dont worry,your mother is adopted your inly conected with my child since she merried your grandmother becky,freya's mom we are no blood connected but i want you to take my place,you absolutely have nothing to worry about dear,their daughter is adopted as well.she whispered
I have decided to continue my daughter's wish just like your mother did.
Here.she then slipped me the photo of an wedded couple
This is freen chankimha my child and her wife rebecca.
So this is what they look like..
You somehow look a-lot like becca.
This is their daughter.she then slipped another picture
What?!i can't marry her?!i then stand up from my chair,it was sarocha!
Dont worry dear she will be here as soon as aunty replied
Good afternoon mother,father and khunya.
Sarocha your grandmother smiled as she kissed sarocha on the cheek
I was frozen for a moment and dint know what to do
I sat down again and kept looking at the picture.
Becky?sarocha said
I couldnt stop but look at the picture suddenly got taken away
The lunch is served.the maids then placed all the foods in the table as sarocha sat beside me.
So when is the wedding?Grandmother asked
Khunya i think you should ask us first before planning the wedding.i responded
Ask what?
If where ok with it.
You both seemed ok with it then there will be no problem.
Does mother know?i asked
Oh dont worry ill tell her as soon as possible.she then smiled and continued eating
I have loosened my appetite,please excuse me.
Oh?right check the garden in can bring your appetite back,butler huang?please escort lady becca to the garden please.khunya then called the butler as i went to follow him
Here we are my lady.
Oh wow preety....a bunny? I walked towards the bunny an pet it.
Hello good after noon lady becca?the maid greeted
Good afternoon?
I am your personal maid and trainer.she responded
Trainer?for what?
Lady grandmother commanded me to train you on how to graceful and elegant,i will be teaching you on how to talk politely sit elegantly and move gracefully.
Oh im sorry but im not planning to stay here for long?
Well i guess you are now.

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