Let me fix you

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《 Chris's pov 》

I was laying on my bed thinking about y/n. That's all I could think about but there's one problem. She has a boyfriend.

I then grabbed my phone and went onto TikTok. After a few mintues I had gotten a call from y/n.

Chris- bold
You-  Italic

Hey y/n

Hey could I come over

It had sounded like she had been crying

Yeah for sure

Alright. Bye



I then went downstairs to the front door to wait for her. After a couple of mintues someone at the door knocked. I then opened the door to see y/n.

She had definitely been crying.

" hey what's wrong? "

I asked her as I pulled her in for a hug. She immediately wrapped her arms around me with her head in the crook of my neck.

" do you want to go to my room to talk about it? "

She then nodded her head as she was still crying. I let go of her putting my hand on the lower part of her back. Leading her up to my room.

Once we had got up to my room we walked over to my bed and sat down. I then wrapped my arms back around her trying to comfort her as best as I can.

Once she had finally stopped crying she let go of me. Sitting back up wiping the tears off of her face, then took a deep breath.

" me and mason (random name) broke up because me and him had gotten into a argument. It was so stupid and as the fight kept going he all of a sudden pointed out all of insecurities. I just got so upset I left and I didn't know where to go so that's when I called you "

I listen the entire time she had spoken. To be honest I never really liked her boyfriend or should I say her now ex boyfriend.

" I'm so sorry that he said all that to you and to be honest he's missing out on how fun, beautiful, crazy, funny and smart you are "

I did speaking my mind because all of those things are true.

" your only saying that because your my friend "

She said as she sniffled

" I'm not saying that because I'm your friend. I'm saying that because I like you. Not just as friend. I like you more than a friend "

" you do? "

She looked at me as if she shocked.

" yes, I'm telling you the truth "

" you know the only reason why I started dating Mason ( once again random name ) was because I really liked you and I thought that if I dated him I would help but... it didn't work"

I then started to smile from ear to ear

" what about this we take it slow for now since you know you just got out of a relationship and then we can start dating after a little bit down the road"

" alright "

She said smiling as she wiped a tear away. I then I pulled her back into a hug resting my head on top of her's.

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