Story 7: girlfriends

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TW: talk of ending lives!!!!! do not read if this bothers you!!!!

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of winterbook, there were two girls deeply in love. Ruby, a compassionate veterinarian with a heart for animals, and Kay, a caring nurse who dedicated her life to helping others. They had shared countless beautiful moments together, but like any relationship, they also had their share of disagreements.

One fateful day, a heated argument escalated between Ruby and Kay, filled with hurtful words and unspoken frustrations. The fight reached a point where their emotions overwhelmed them, leading to a painful decision—their love came to an abrupt end. The weight of losing her best friend and partner became unbearable for Ruby, as she realized the immense void in her life.

One restless night, consumed by sorrow, Ruby found herself lost in a storm of emotions. In a moment of despair, she got into her car, her thoughts clouded by heartache and regret. As she drove through the darkened streets, tears streaming down her face, she struggled to find a way to cope with the immense pain that enveloped her soul. In her anguish, Ruby lost control of the car, crashing tragically and losing her life in an instant.

Days later, Kay, unaware of Ruby's tragic fate, carried the heavy burden of guilt and remorse. She couldn't shake off the pain that weighed her down, torturing her every waking moment. The news of Ruby's untimely death reached Kay, crashing into her heart like a tidal wave. Devastated and filled with regret, she felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility for what had transpired.

Overwhelmed by grief, Kay found solace in reaching out to Ruby's best friend, pouring her heart out in a text message. She confessed her most profound anguish, her intention to do something desperate, and her undying love and gratitude for their friendship. Kay's words were filled with the weight of a soul teetering on the edge of despair.

As night fell, Kay found herself sitting behind the wheel of her car, her trembling hands gripping it tightly. Tears flowed freely, blending with the raindrops streaming down her face. In the depths of her sorrow, she began driving aimlessly, her speed increasing as her pain intensified.

In the midst of her inner torment, a fleeting image flashed before Kay's eyes. It was Ruby, sitting in the passenger seat, her presence vibrant and alive. "Please, don't do it," Ruby's voice echoed in Kay's mind, filled with love and concern. Startled, Kay shook off the vision, but she couldn't ignore the lingering feeling that Ruby was trying to protect her.

Through blurry eyes, Kay saw a tree looming ahead, its branches outstretched like arms waiting to embrace her. The weight of her guilt and the unbearable pain became too much to bear. In that moment, she pressed down on the accelerator with an anguished determination. The car surged forward, hurtling towards the tree at a terrifying speed.

The impact was loud, the sound reverberating through the night air, carrying the weight of two broken hearts. Kay's car collided with the tree, and the force of the crash was overwhelming. In that final instant, the pain and suffering that consumed her came to a tragic end, as her life slipped away.

The city of Winterbook mourned the loss of two vibrant souls, forever connected by a love that transcended their earthly existence. Friends and family gathered, their hearts heavy with grief, sharing stories of Ruby and Kay, remembering the joy they brought to their lives. In their absence, their memory would live on, a testament to the profound impact they had on each other and those around them.

Their tragic tale serves as a reminder of the importance of love, forgiveness, and communication in relationships. May it inspire others to cherish the bonds they have, to seek understanding and resolution in times of conflict, and to never underestimate the profound impact their words and actions may have on the lives of those they hold dear.

all kay saw was a flash of brown hitting the tree but soon after a bright light and the feeling of love came over her as she looks around she sees a beautiful place that looks like a garden and she sees someone she missed. She sees Ruby standing there by a brush looking at Kay. She couldn't believe it. she runs to her. it was real, not a memory, not a dream but real. kays eyes fill with tears as Ruby wraps her arms around her. 

Kay: I'm so sorry about everything! she says hugging Ruby tightly. 

Ruby: hun it's okay. I'm sorry too and I should have never left you that night.

Kay: I missed you so much I couldn't handle it. I-I I needed you back and I love you. 

Ruby: I love you too babe, I've been watching over you. I saw how bad it's been for you. I'm sorry I couldn't stop your car to protect you. 

Kay: It's okay. I'm good where I am, but our families will miss us. They missed you so much. 

Ruby: I know and I have been sending signs. kay were in our dream house like we dreamed of. whoever is here with us, put us in this place where we can be happy forever. if you still want to stay. 

Kay: I will always stay with you love. show me around. she smiles.

The two stayed there forever. happy, making a live in paradise. 

The End

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