The suspense

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Next morning I woke up and I got ready for visiting  orphanage with taehyung.
I wore simple blue jeans and shirt.
With my very unknowingly special necklace.
I smiled looking in the mirror with my emerald necklace around my neck.
He picked me up from my home.
It was a quit somehow beautifully serene at the orphanage.

The orphanage with woodwork with all wodden furniture ,the scent of wood was calming my heart.

We went to the garden of the orphanage.
And there were twenty to twenty five kids from two to twelve year age.

They were all laughing and smiling and playing with eachother as if everything is alright.
I wanted to be like them I feel like kids are all we should be like sometimes being reckless , making mistakes ,doing just what our heart says is all we need.

I got tears in my eyes.

" Hey...Hey!" Taehyung Says as he looks at me .

" What ... happened?" He asks confusingly.

" Nothing....just... seeing them play and laugh made me want to be like them." I wipe the falling tear from my cheek.

" Ohh...but aren't you still kid!" Taehyung says mischievously and laughs.

" Taehyung!!!" I said as I slapped his arms.

" I was kidding....we all have our inner child preserved in our hearts we can bring that inner child out from time to time!"

I nod.

" Let's go play with them!" Taehyung says as he walks first.
And I follow him.

" By the way...I wasn't kidding when I said you are still a kid!" Taehyung says as he runs away to kids.

He knows how hurt I feel when he says I'm a kid.... ofcourse I want to be like kids...but he's older then me and he makes fun of me being younger then him and I know he was teasing me I yell" Hey you Mr Kim taehyung!"


Mrs cha pov

I took some required paper and went to the same church I found taehyung .I thought I might convince the only Current guardian of taehyung Mr priest.
I was waiting at the entrance early this morning and I saw him coming.

" Good morning sir! " I bowed down in respect.

" Good early is there any reason?" Mr priest asks.

" Umm.... actually did you talk about me to taehyung?"

" Look mam I can understand you and your feelings but.....

" Sir I bought these papers I can guarantee that I was his legal parent once.....

" I know that already but I need some time to talk!"

" Can you talk to him today?" I asked politely.

He stopped for a moment and then agreed.


At the orphanage

Y/n's pov

We we're playing hopscotch with kids ,they were all running here and there. I stood aside cause I got tired but taehyung he didn't he was looking so happy playing with cute little kids.
He picks up a cute little girl with both his hands and bring her to up in the air with perfect hold the girl laugh and so does taehyung. It was a cute sight taehyung surrounded by cute kids and me who was just watching him smiling and playing.

He soon comes to me and grabbed my wrist.

" Aren't you too lazy hunh ...come let's play !"

"Okay but First I need water  taehyung! I said as he stops.

" Wait here I'll bring you.....

" Uncle.. uncle come let's play more!" A small five four year boy come to him and call him buy pulling his shirt.

"Just a moment kid let me......

"!" The kid says as he pouts

" Awww!" I say as I got melt by how cute the kid was.

Taehyung looks at me.

" I know where to go I'll get a drink and I'll come back!" I say to taehyung

" Go left and then turn right there will be kitchen and....

" I know I know taehyung you just go I'll come!" I said as I assured him.

I watch him go with the little kid.

I went in and to the kitchen I pour water in glass and drank it in one go.

." Gosh...I was really thirsty!" I say to myself.

I went out and as I was walking to the garden I saw a water pipe connect to the tap.
I didn't noticed this before.
I saw how long the water pipe was and I open the tap and took that pipe with myself I hid it as much as I could and as soon as taehyung saw me I smiled.

"Y/n...did you drank?" He asks as he walks to me.

I still smile.

" What are you hiding?" He asks.

And I ask " you to want water?"

" Yeah sure!"

And that's when I bring that water pipe and shower him with rain.

" Heyy.....he come to me and grabbed me by my waist trying to snatch water pipe and got successful.

He sprayed water on me leaving me soaked.

We were laughing getting soaked in water and soil.

The kids soon joined us.


" Taehyungahh!" Mr priest calls him.

We were busy playing with water. Mr priest came and called taehyung.
He looks at me as he smiles and then goes to Mr priest.

" Yes Mr priest!" He asks.

" I want to talk to you about something!" He says.

" Yeah... taehyung says.

" It's regarding your parents....we need to go to church right now!"

Taehyung looks at me and walks to me and says" y/n I think I might have to leave now..I'm sorry but can you go home by yourself...."

" It's alright taehyung you go it must be urgent I'm fine!" I tell him.

He leaves with a faint smile as if he was smiling Just to smile not like how he did when we were together or just here playing with kids.
I know something must have came up and they have to leave but their was something like suspense and it was somewhat  killing me.

" Everything's fine!" I say to myself.


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