𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬...

1.8K 78 111


Thoughts of su!cide
Mentions of panic attack


//  Wilbur POV //

I walked around my room, waiting for Quackity to come back to me.
From what I'm aware of, it's been almost 2 months since my brothers came to visit me, I've been a lot more... happy since then... it's weird-

He makes me feel so happy, it's crazy to think how much he's helped me... I hope I never have to stop seeing him...
I stopped in front of my desk and looked down at the card he had gotten me for my birthday and Christmas.
'What if I'll never get to see him again if I leave...' I picked up the birthday card and opened it up to re-read it again...

-Happy Birthday Wilbur ♡
I hope you like this card, sorry I can't think of anything
creative to say in this.

Love: A. Quackity ♡-

I smiled and rubbed my thumb over a faint kiss mark he left for me, either I am mistaking these hints or I'm just... stupid-... I feel like both can be very likely.
Would he try to talk to me when I get out of here...

I hope so...

I heard the doorknob turn and I focused back on it, smiling as Quackity walked into the room, "Quackiteee~!" I cheered, going over to hug him, sweeping him off his feet as I held him close to my chest. I heard him giggle and hug me back, "Wilbah~"

I took him over to his chair and sat him down, sitting on my bed opposite him.
"Well, aren't we excited?" He chuckled, clicking his pen and raising his clipboard, "Now, how about we continue our conversation about November, 16th?" He looked up at me with a peaceful smile.

I nodded and bounced my leg, folding my arms as I tried to recall the night. Quackity set his clipboard down on his lap and kept a smile on his face that always comforted me.
"I... remember I was really drunk-" I rested my head in my hand, resting my elbow on my leg.

"Oh yeah?" He darted his eyes down and wrote something on his clipboard and then looked back at me, "Go on..."
I stared down at the floor and took a deep breath, "I remember... when I was really drunk- I somehow got in possession of... explosives-" I sighed, shaking my head, "Don't ask how because I couldn't tell you- even if I wanted to... which for you I do-"

"That's alright, we can just assume you acquired them while you were black-out drunk?" He raised a brow and I nodded, "That's a fair assumption-" I muttered, "But... that night... the 16th- I was just really drunk... and I was having an episode... so right then I decided that... life wasn't for me-" I tapped my fingers on my leg and heard him write something down.

"And why did you threaten to blow up the place?" Quackity softly asked, sending my heart fluttering.
"Well... the place was a real shit hole- and everyone who lived there and the person who owned the place was fucking miserable-" I rolled my eyes, "Everyone just wanted to... you know- die- I mean... they were living in a fucking motel, you think someone who lives in a motel has their life together?"

I took in a deep breath, "So... I thought taking everyone out would be the best option- you know... everyone wins-" I shrugged, "I found my way to the roof and... someone called the cops on me which... fair-" I let out a quiet chuckle and leaned forward more.

"Then before I knew it there were... so fucking many people watching me-... I just... broke down in tears and.. somehow I ended up on the ground... and... Phil sent me here." I glanced up at Quackity and softly smiled, "After 13 years it finally paid off..." I giggled as his face formed a smile with a tint of blush.

"But... yeah- that's about it-"
He hummed and wrote something down before looking back at me, "Do you remember what was going through your brain at the time?"
I looked down at my hands and bit my lip trying to think, "When I was on top of the building and just staring at everyone... I had a wave of... guilt? Disappointment... but... it just felt like... I was having a panic attack-... it was just like at that moment... people cared about me. They cared enough to stay... but when I got on the ground... I just felt like a failure."

He hummed and set the clipboard down again, "Well, thank you, Wilbur." He was smiling brightly as he grabbed his phone to check the time, "I've got a couple more minutes before I have to go see my next patient," He looked up at me, "Anything you want to talk about?"


-Word Count: 771-

How the hell is this AT 20K READS?????
Thank you, guys, so much for reading this Holy shit-

I hope you all have the best Day/Afternoon/Night ever!
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water

P͓̽s͓̽y͓̽c͓̽h͓̽o͓̽ ͓̽L͓̽o͓̽v͓̽e͓̽ (Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now