A Song and Dance

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A/N: The song and dance is the Koi Dance

The days passed quicker than any of the group could even comprehend. They were genuinely able to make their dream a reality with the addition of Xiao, not to mention the two other members that Aether had dragged along; Heizou and some kid Aether called Kuni. Allegedly, Kuni only came because he had a crush on Kazuha, but swore Aether to secrecy. So when Venti just so happened to overhear, he couldn't help but nudge them close to each other when they practiced.

Xiao was shocked to find himself interacting with the group, he was known worldwide for being stand-offish and hard to approach, however Venti's group was easy to talk to. It was a nice change of pace from the past few years of his life.

Lost in his own thoughts, Xiao was startled back to reality when Venti came up to him during their water break, he was panting and slightly out of breath, making Xiao blush ever so slightly. "Xiao! How was that? I tried the new dance Kazu and Hei choreographed for us," he grinned from ear to ear before downing the water left in his water bottle.

"Ah, it was...good, but what you're doing with your footwork is a little all over the place," Xiao set down his water bottle and stood up. "Especially towards the middle of the song, you're doing this-"

He nodded toward Heizou who started the song toward the middle that Xiao was talking about. "You're jumping, however in this part you're changing directions ever so slightly, you're going from the left to your right then toward the center facing the audience," he spoke while demonstrating it. "At the same time you hold your hand out like you're holding a tray, then when you get to the center you have both of your hands in peace signs, one hand in the other out, then using your pointer finger you change the position while arching your feet opposite of one another in the process," he explained, then pulled it all together in tune with the song, humming along to it.

"Because love is to be born- from a single person~" Xiao hummed, demonstrating the short few seconds of movement, then looked up to the look of amazement from his teammate's faces.

"Who knew Xiao could dance," Aether teased lightheartedly.

"Wow," Venti whispered, choosing to stay looking down, "Thank you..I uh think I get it now"

Though the blush on his face did not go unnoticed by anyone in that room, everyone chose not to comment on it, he'd figure out his feelings for Xiao on his own time. For now, they had a routine to get back to. "From the top!," Venti declared, ignoring his friends' looks toward him.

They got into their formation, Venti in the front with Aether to his left, then behind them, off to the side in a pyramid of sorts, Kazuha and Heizou, finally behind them being Xiao and Kuni. As soon as the music began, the group moved in sync. Beginning with the hand movements they had made the intro of the song. Not long after Venti began singing, moving more towards the front as he danced and sang. "As the evening falls upon the bustling streets, people will live-it up out there and the winds carry along a flock of crows and people!"

He moved back into the group and Aether stepped up, beginning to sing, "There is no meaning but just people simply living a life-just being hungry-I get back home to you" With the finishing of that line, Kazuha and Venti moved up to join Aether, dancing side-by-side as the song continued. "As I became old enough to understand things-I looked up to the sky and suddenly realized-everyone in this world starts from two people"

They moved back as Xiao, Heizou, and Kuni moved up and Xiao began to sing the chorus, "What's deep in my heart, what will never fade away-it is to be by your side-never forget it" Heizou then continued, "What you have inside of you-the heartbeat in the distance" Kuni finishing it off, "For I'm in love with you-Our tangled fingers, the scent of your cheeks, let us go beyond husband and wife"

They moved back, now forming into pairs, Xiao and Venti in the front, Heizou and Aether on the right and back, then Kuni and Kazuha on the left and back. They danced in sync till it was time to sing again, this time Xiao began, "My concealed feelings as considered ugly, begin to take on colours-and swans carry them away-changing what is taken for granted" Venti then continued after him, "I can't help falling in love with similar faces and fiction, love is born from a single person!"

Heizou began the chorus, "What's deep in my heart, what will never fade away-is to be by your side-never forget it!"

"What you have inside of you-the heartbeat in the distance-for I am in love with you-our tangled fingers, the scent of your cheeks, let us go beyond husband and wife!,"Aether finished.

They all danced then Kazuha began, "Your crying face, the night of silence, and your wavering smile remain like this-for nevermore" followed by Kuni who harmonized "for nevermore"

Venti stepped forward to finish the song off, "One thing that is in my heart-the one thing that will not fade away-is that you are by my side, don't ever forget! One thing you have inside of you-the heartbeat in the distance-for I am in love with you!"

"Our tangled fingers," Xiao and Heizou began, "The scent of your cheeks," Kazuha and Kuni harmonized. "Let them go beyond husband and wife!," Venti and Aether finished. "Let them go beyond two people," Xiao followed up. "Let them go beyond one person!" They all harmonized, finishing off the number with the dance as the music faded out.

After a moment of silence, they all cheered, high-fiving each other as they were collectively out of breath. "I'm pretty sure that's the best run we've done...that has to get us into the camp! We were perfect!," Venti gushed, the rest of the guys agreeing in gruff nods of their head.

Satisfied with their practice, they collectively agreed to leave a little earlier today. Venti hummed the song to himself as he packed up, yawning when he slung his bag over his shoulder. "Venti," a voice Venti recognized as Xiao spoke up. "Have you thought about doing the show with me yet? It would be perfect, the two of us, and it would-," he was cut off by Venti's finger pressed against his lips.

"I'm not acting in it, Xiao I've told you over and over again that I don't want to act and you keep trying to force me into it! If that's all you're here for then you can leave, we can make do with just the 5 of us," Venti then turned away, storming out of the dance room they used for practice.

The room was silent with tension, Xiao standing there dumbfounded, clinging to his bag. He hadn't meant to make Venti upset, he just wanted to share something with the man he held near and dear to his heart. He didn't know what to do and hated the pitiful glances from their friends, maybe he should just leave...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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