Chapter 8

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We stood where Mike told us to go I looked around confused what was this supposed to do?

"In the depths is where it crept in the beneath to find relief in the depths is where it crept in the beneath to find relief" Mike repeated

"Is he okay?" Ben asked also confused
"I think at this point that's a relative question" Richie answered

"Whats on the other side?" Bev asked me thinking the same

"I don't know no one does" he said
"Your joking?" I breath looking at hin
And he shakes his head

He quickly pulls it up "Mike!" He flashes the light down it and we see nothing but darkness

He sits down "Alright see you down there" and he goes down
"Wait what the fuck!" I yell
"The fuck!"

"Stay together" bills says and we nod
"You guys i can't do it" Eddie says shaking his head

We look at him

"I can't you saw what happend up there I was gonna let you die I just fucking froze up if you let me go down there with you im gonna get us all killed" he then gets his inhaler out

"Hey hey! Give me that" Richie snatches it out his hand he wouldn't let go "let go you little turd"

I didn't hear much what richie was saying to eddie I don't think bev and ben did either

Richie gave eddie a little slap
"Sorry" he says and turns away from him

We go closer to the hole
"Here take it" bev says to eddie meaning the metal bar

"Thanks bev" he says and she goes down the hole too

"Oh fuck" I say and sit down ready to go down
"You've got it too" ben says I smile you at him and go down

I slowly go down making sure I don't fall because well that would be bad

"You guys good?!" I hear
"Yeah!" Some of us shout

I look up seeing ben,richie and eddie coming down too and below me was bev nearly at the bottom bill and mike already there

"It's in there!" I again hear and look down seeing bev reached the bottom and I'm nearly there thank fuck

I turn around reaching the bottom seeing bev "You okay?" I ask her
"Yeah you?" She smiles and I nod

"Through here" bill says motioning us go where was going through a crack
"It's tight but we can get through"

Bev goes under and once she's out I then go under too and bill was right it was tight

As we walked down I checked behind me and the other three were down too

"Shit" I say I stepped on something hard and seen that I was a bone ew what the fuck no

"This it where it hid" Mike said and we looked around pointing our flashlights

"So all this had been under derry for like forever?" Eddie questioned
"Not forever just a few million years" Mike replied

We continued to follow Mike into this shell?
And he took out the thing I'm guessing to be the ancient and placed it in the middle

"It can only be attacked in its true form" Mike mentions to us "The ritual will show us that"

"Whats its true form?" I question I mean was it big or what
"I hope its a puppy like a pomeranian or something..I'll shut up" Richie said

I cracked a smile
"It's light a light that must be snuffed out by darkness" Mike tells and purs gasoline in it then lights a match making a fire inside of it

Us Losers Again • Mike Hanlon²Where stories live. Discover now