"why are you here..?" (oneshot woag)

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(Oneshot of 4 meeting TV satan in the showgrounds! Precursor to the au :D TV satan will be referred to as winston!)
(Warning!: Cussing, in first person, likely out of character!)

I'm sitting on the couch, having a hard time sleeping. Being out in the open really doesn't help with sleep.. I check my watch. '00:34'.
4: Ugh.. why can I never sleep?-


4: Huh..?
I hear a sound from the woods. That sounds like a branch breaking, but who'd be out in the woods at this hour? As far as I know, I'm the only one who stays up this late.. I'm gonna go check it out. 4: If Eggdog got out again, I'm gonna be so mad at 3..

I enter the forest. I hear more sounds.
4: Trespassers? At this hour? I sigh.

I follow the noises to a circular clearing surrounded by trees.
4: should I really do this alone..? Maybe I should get someone to come with, or wait until morning..

4: ...

4: fuck it, I'll be fine.. probably just some random teen, anyway..

I pull the curtain of branches open. Inside is.. a person? No, that's not right.. their hair is silver, like metal, and they're wearing an odd mask. Something about them is familiar. They turn to me, their pale red eyes glinting. Something is wrong. Where have I seen them before?, They speak and I realise what I recognise about them.

???: Oh, hello there, [4]!

4: Wh- you! Why are you here?How are you here? You were just some ad! This isn't right. What are you..?

The entity smiles at me, it's mouth unnaturally wide. I can't tell if it's teeth are sharp or not. Everything about this feels so wrong. This thing was just some creepy ad that sold me a possessed keyboard!

???: My name is [Winston]! I am simply here to assist you! Your previous request was [Left Unfulfilled], so I still have a [Task] to complete! (:

I try to back away, but it's almost as if I'm frozen in place.

Winston: So, what do you say? Will you [Accept]?

Something about it's expression unnerves me. I have a feeling things will go poorly if I deny.

4: ...

4: Fine. Just.. Let me actually keep my social life.

Winston: [Good] choice! I'll be seeing you [very] soon. (:

I blink and the entity is gone. I feel an odd sting on the back of my hand. I remove my glove to check.

A black TV symbol with a bowtie has appeared. It reminds me of a tattoo. Something tells me this isn't the best choice I could've made, but i guess it's too late for that..


(A/N: Ty for reading this poorly written abomination! Notes: the thing on 4's hand is the same as the TV symbol next to the showgrounds' listing in the place 4 brought it from! (See image)

(Also, here's Winston's design! Ignore the fact that it's gacha club btw)

(500 words somehow,,)

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