off to hell i go.

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i opened my eyes and i was on a bumpy surface and i was moving, shit! i'm gonna die, im being kidnapped! wait..i just got beat up and almost died but then i was rescued by....shit! i'm in Hayden's car!!! don't judge me i'm delirious I takes me a minute. I opened one eye just to confirm i wasn't being taken to be tortured... wait i'm in Hayden's car that probably what hes doing! i snapped my eyes shut and curled up in a ball trying to become invisible "relax dude, i'm not gonna kill you geez"  he turned around to look at me quickly i gave him my blank stare and he sighed and looked back to the road and continued "i'm taking you to the hospital, that dick got you pretty bad." see jerk. wait...did he just say that?! does he actually care....maybe i do have a chance. and with that my exhausted brain gave out and i fell fast asleep

   i woke up to realize i was being carried then it registered....shit the hospital i hate that place!!!! and i didn't have my notebook. i started squirming and panicking until he clamped his strong arms around me so i couldn't move. "calm down, what do you want?!" he asked exasperated with my silence and i wildly started gesturing to my face " would you stop the squirming?" i just shrugged. " do you mean that book? its in my bag." i let out a sigh of relief and relaxed into his grip because frankly i was to exhausted to attempt standing.

   we got inside and Hayden walked up to the lady at the desk and the second she saw me she gasped and ran off to what i'm guessing was to get a did i really look that bad?  the doctors ran up and immediately pulled us into the back and put me on gurney then they started poking and prodding with metal thing and there hands, i wasn't a big fan and then when they ask Hayden to leave i realized i was clinging to his and.....he wasn't refusing it  he was actually holding it back..maybe he just had sympathy for me...surprisingly i was okay with this idea and refused to let go. one of female doctors in the room told the others it was fine for now,and allowed him to stay. they sent me in for x-ray and i finally had to let go they commenced the scary task and it came out that my foot and leg were 8 different places how did that dude manage that?? wow i'm weak. thennnnn my favorite part the questioning. the girl doctor i found out is named Dr.Ash started " so what happened to you Kieran? i sat in silence and Hayden was day dreaming so he was no help. another impatient doctor person chimed in a oh so helpful " hellllllloo are you okay?" yes of course i'm just dandy seeing as my heart is twisted up and my body is a mangled wreck because i just got malled by a sociopath and i'm holding the hand of a guy who is my complete opposite of and i thought hated my life and its confused the crap out of me and i don't have my notebook, but sure you know? i'm just great. i punched Hayden arm and he snapped out of it blinked and i pointed the bag his eyes lighted up with realization and grabbed my book, the doctors watched this play out in confusion as i started scribbling the story and Hayden opened his mouth"kieran can't talk, so he write in that book." thank you captain obvious. i passed the book to Dr.ash and slow clapped for Hayden brilliance and he laughed.. it was cute actually for his masculine build. the doctor nodded and after patching me up they left but before leaving said " you need surgery for your leg, i'll be done tomorrow will get your family here later now you need rest." and with that she left, and i just stared incredulously at the door.

   Now i was alone with Hayden, what did i do, i wrote WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TODAY?! he blinked and laughed and i jut blinked stupidly at him why is he laughing? " we just became friends because you almost died. that what happened." despite myself i laughed at his blunt telling of things i think i actually liked his personality when he wasn't with his friends. are laughing died down and his face grew straight "in all seriousness i never wanted to be rude to you...i just wanted to uphold my reputation and i know it was stupid but can you forgive me with a truce?" he pleaded with me. i just looked down and shrugged and wrote "maybe." he looked down and we had a few moment of silence and then it was broken by my phone going crazy from text from all my new friends, i sent a group message of what happened and they all immediately responded and i was surprised by how much they cared except Scar of course, they were all coming to the hospital and would be there in 20 minutes.

  about 5 minutes later i was just talking casually to Hayden and guess who walks in? himself. he stood there awkwardly for a few moment and we all just sat there not knowing what to do...i just pointed to the chair on the other side of me and showed him the paper note about what happened and he nodded with a look of sympathy I smiled slightly at him and i glanced back over at Hayden and he was glaring daggers at Scar until he noticed me staring at him he looked down. i just closed my eyes and waited for the rest of my friends to come.


sorry guys for the super late update!!!!!!!!! i was just super lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya'll!! vote and comment!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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