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When I walked through the door, my eyes grew wide. "Whoa.." I said in awe.

"It's like a dream." Alice added.

"It's way better than a dream." My eyes landed on two creatures that flew past. Getting in a fit about something. One resembled a literal horse fly, while the other was like a small dragon.

I followed Alice through a broken down iron gate that was covered in vines. Suddenly, a green pig raced across our path. We both halted, Alice even lifted her dress a little as she backed away.

"Curiouser and curiouser." Alice muttered as we began walking again.

"I told you she's the right Alice."

"McTwisp!" I exclaimed as I stepped forward. Alice furrowed her brows at me.

"I am not convinced." A mouse eyed me down and then Alice.

"How is that for gratitude?" The White Rabbit bowed his head slightly in my direction. A brisk greeting. "I've been up there for weeks, trailing one Alice after the next, and I was almost eaten by other animals."

I grimaced. Poor McTwisp.

"Can you imagine? They go about entirely unclothed, and they do their shukm in public." He shuttered.

I snickered and quickly flung a hand to my mouth, turning away in the process.

"I had to avert my eyes!" The rabbit finished.

"Doesn't look anything like herself." A flower with a face spoke. Alice eyed it warily.

"That's because she's the wrong Alice." The mouse pointed out. "And he's even brought an extra girl this time!"

McTwisp twiddled his paws nervously.

Two rather round twins spoke up for the first time.

"If she was, she might be."

"If she isn't, she ain't."

I cocked my head at them in confusion. They had a fancy way of speaking.

"But if she were so, she would be."

"But she isn't, nohow." The twins continued.

"How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?"

I gave her an incredulous look. "Dream? I'm here, too!"

Alice gave me a puzzled look, "I'm just dreaming about you, too."

I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"And who are you, if I might ask?" She focused on the group again.

The twins answered first, "Oh, I'm Tweedledee, and he's Tweedledum."

"Contrariwise, I'm Tweedledum, and he's Tweedledee."

"We should consult Absolem." A giant dodo spoke up.

"Exactly." The flower agreed. "Absolem will know who she is, and if we should get rid of the other one."

"What?" I exclaimed. "I want to be here! Besides, McTwisp invited me." I motioned to the rabbit who cowered under everyone's gazes.

The twins suddenly rushed forward to grab Alice’s hands.

"I'll escort you."

"Hey, it's not being your turn. So unfair."

I watched as they led Alice away.

"Hey, leave off!"

"Let go!"

"Are they always this way?" Alice asked.

Dani in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now