𝓐𝓫𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓨/𝓷 𝔁 𝓐𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓾

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     Abused Y/n x Amidamaru (Requested) *STRONG LAUNGUAGE USED IN HERE*

     I slammed my room door, making sure to lock it as fast as possible. My dad's drunk again. You know what that means? Means I have to pay for it. "Y/n! Open this goddamn door!" He slurred over his words screaming, and banging on my door.

       "Fuck what do I do?" I whispered to myself, If I didn't do something now there was a more then likely chance he would somehow get in, wether it's him busting down the door, or my mom letting him in. She has the key to my room. But I know I have to do something, or else I won't be able  to show my face in public for the next week again. I dragged my dresser and slammed it against the door, hoping to keep him out, then went to my window and opened it. I grabbed my sheet ladder, I have it for cases like these, and climbed out the window. 

         I'm not sure where to go but I know I can't stay here. 

I'm wondering the streets, but it's better then being there with those abusive bitches. I looked to my left and see a graveyard, doesn't seem that bad of a place to stay for now. Infact it has a great veiw for stargazing, as the stars are out right now.  I'll just stay there. I climbed over the gate that was there and walked up the hill, and sat down next to a tree.  "Woah, these stars are gorgeous..." I mumbled to myself, proud of picking this spot. 

   "I agree." Someone spoke, from beside me. I could've sworn no one was here? I looked to my side, and saw a ghost?  I'm not suprised. I've been seeing ghost since I was young, I've gotten used to it at this point. 

  "Hm, you look familiar..." I spoke to the ghost. They look like someone i've seen before, but I can't put my finger on it. He let out a chuckle. "You can see me? I'm suprised." He spoke, his face was serious but his tone wasn't. "I'm Amidamaru. What about you?" He questioned me, turning his focus onto me instead of the stars. "That's who you are! I knew it. Amidamaru, as in the warrior right?" I nonchalantly said. "Yeah. What's your name?" He asked, once again. 

"Not something you should know." I said. I don't open up to anyone, or tell them my name. What's the point? They'll just leave me sooner or later. "Tough one eh? That's fine." He said. "What are you doing out here?" 

     "Also something you don't need to know." 

"Whatever kid, what's on your arms?" He said pointing to my arms. "Hm?" I hummed, not realizing I forgot to cover my bruises before I left the house. "Oh, that? Nothing."  I said rubbing my arms. "Did you get into a fight? I used to have bruises from my old fights back then too." He stated. I shook my head. "No, I don't fight." I spoke. "SHIT!" I blurted out. "I've gotta get home, now!" I shouted at him. "Wait-" He spoke, but I took off running trying to get home as fast as possible.

----Time skip your home---

   I climbed into my window, and saw my door knocked down onto the ground, and my dresser moved aside. "I'm done for." Apparently, I made too much noise because my dad came stomping into my room. "Where the hell have you been??" He screamed at me, moving closer. " I was outside.." I mumbled, I already knew what was about to happen.  He raised his hand to slap me, but something stopped him. Amidamaru?.. Amidamaru was right infront of him, holding his hand back. "What the fuck???" My dad screamed, stepping back then running out the room. He couldn't see Amidamaru, but he could surely feel that something was there. 

 "Thanks Amidamaru..." I whispered, walking away and sitting onto my bed. 

"Your welcome, but I'm not leaving. Definetely not in this household alone." He said, sitting onto my bed too. (don't ask how amidamaru can suddenly touch and feel things... js roll w it.) 

   "I'm tired, it's nighttime, and I've had a rough day. I'm going to sleep." I said moving my cover to lay down under it. "I guess I'll go to sleep too then. You don't mind if I sleep in your bed too right?" He asked. I shook my head so he got under the cover too. I don't know why but I felt some type of butterflies in my stomach. Something I haven't felt in a long time, safety.

Author note: Isn't amidamaru like thousands of years old? Im js going to pretend your aged up yk? anyways enjoy. This might not be good bc i've had writers block then totally forgot about this book lol.

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